Citizens Against our Nation's Terrorists

Keep Yourself Safe from the Terrorists



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On September 11, 2001, evil ones from the Al-Quaida terrorist organization used our own airplanes as weapons of mass destruction against the people of the United States.  This changed our view of the world forever.

Now we are in a war, a war against terror, a war that is not fought against our military, but against our citizens.  These terrorists are everywhere, existing in secret cells across America and abroad, waiting for their chance to strike out against Christians.  WE CAN NO LONGER HOPE THAT THE GOVERNMENT OR GOD WILL PROTECT US!  These terrorists have weapons of mass destruction, rocket propelled grenades, and high-powered explosives that they intend to use against citizens of our country.  WE NEED THE SAME WEAPONS TO FIGHT BACK!

Citizens Against our Nation's Terrorists (C.A.N.T.) strives for legislation legalizing military weapons for private use.  In this new world in which none of us are safe, we cannot rely on the military to protect us any longer.  WE NEED ACCESS TO HIGH POWERED WEAPONS TO FIGHT THE WAR IN OUR HOMELAND!

If you have ever felt afraid of terrorists, imagine the security you could feel knowing that have a loaded rocket launcher ready to fight the evil ones when they come.  JOIN TODAY!