November 11, 2003 I added a link to a new flash program I'm working on in the stuff section.
November 6, 2003 As you can see from the disparity in dates, I've been too busy (ok, I just forgot) to work on this site.  So, unfortunatly, it continues to be devoid of content.  In the meantime, I've been working on a few parody websites, and one real one.  I've added links to them on the links page.
October 10, 2003 I should add a hits counter to this site, but seeing 00000 for too long could get depressing.   Perhaps I should link it to a random number generator...
September 9, 2003 Welcome to my new site!  I just created this in the last couple of days.   Right now its just a shell, but I'll be putting up some content in the next couple of days.  I'm still working on the title too--not sure what it should be.
Many of the graphics on this site were created by Jolie Joyau Web Graphics.  Check it out!