  1. Do you want to decide what participation grade you want in your Spanish class? Go to Spanish students' Performance Report , in order to learn what you have to do to get it.
  2. Avoid temptations when writing your compositions and doing all the assigments. Please Read the Department of Romance Language and Literatures Honor Code Guidelines.
  3. I guess you need to do the Lab Manual activities for the Spanish class you are taking, if so go to: http://www.clas.ufl.edu/llc/audio.htm
  4. In order to type accent marks and special characters on your computer, go to typing special characters in Spanish
  5. These sentences are a good sourse! Use them to study the context of of the underlined words, and understand how/why they are expressed by POR or PARA in Spanish.
  6. Some websites are an excellent  help when working on a second laguage. They offer students a great variety of  sources on specific topics in the target language. For that purpose try: 
    1. Learn spanish
    2. Conjuguemos
    3. Spanish.allinfo-about
    4. Spanish/quizzes.
    5. Colby exercises.
    6. Guia.spanish 
    7. spanish spanish
  7. Culture! Go to MUNDO LATINO. and learn a lot about us.
  8. See some common mistakes our students make when writing their compositions.
  9. Some translators on line:Free Translation SystranSoft.com
  10. Are you a visual student? Need to see the picture to memorize the word.Check this sourse, then.Internet Picture Dict: Spanish
  11. Need some on line Spanish dictionaries? Here you have some:

       Find backgrounds like this at. http://www.grsites.com/textures/

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