- Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Zhang Y., Chini R.A.,Minchin R. E.,Ptschelinzew, L., Shal D., “Statistical Analysis of Time and Cost Performance of Alternative Contracting Methods.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (Under Review)
- Zhang, Y; Minchin R.E., Chini R.A., Ptschelinzew L., Shal D.,“Performance of Seven Highway Construction Contracting Methods Analyzed by Project Size.” Frontiers of Engineering Management (Under Review)
- Minchin, R.E.; Zhang, Y; Mahajan V. “Answers to Questions of Ethics by Highway Contractors.” Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Construction and Engineering. (Under Review)
- Attallah S., Kandil A, Gad G, and Zhang Y. “Modeling the Environmental Impact of Sustainability Policies in the Construction Industry using Agent Based Simulation and Life Cycle Analysis." International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment. (Under Review)
- Minchin R.E., Zhang Y., ;Lucas E. D.,Pan J., Walters R.C. ‘Culture, History and Sino-US Relations: Chinese Counterfeiting of Construction Products and Materials.” Journal of International Relations (Under Review)
- Chini R.A.; Ptschelinzew, L; Minchin, R.E.; Zhang Y., ; Shal, D.; “Industry attitudes toward alternative contracting for highway construction in Florida.” Journal of Management in Engineering. (Accepted)
- Zhang Y., ;Minchin R.E. , Agdas D., “Forecasting Completed Cost of Highway Projects Using LASSO Regularized Regression.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001378
- Minchin R. E.,Corona F. , Lucas E. D., Zhang Y.. J. Pan , R. C. Walters (2016). “Chinese Organizations’ Actions, Attitudes, and Motivations When Faced with Counterfeit Items in Their Construction Supply Chains”, Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Construction and Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) LA.1943-4170.0000209
- Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- Zhang Y. and R.E. Minchin. "Predicting Cost Escalation of Large Public Transportation Projects Using Adaptive LASSO and Elastic Net." ASCE Construct Research Congress, New Orleans, LA. April 2018. Submitted)
- Zhang, Y. and R.E. Minchin “Decision Support System for Delivery Method Selection Using Agent-Based Simulation and Modeling. ASCE Construct Research Congress, New Orleans, LA. April 2018. (Submitted)
- Haekyung Im, Edward Minchin, Hamed Hakim and Yuanxin Zhang A Prediction Model To Monitor The Financial Soundness Of Construction Firms In Korea And The US. ASCE Construct Research Congress, New Orleans, LA. April 2018. (Submitted)
- Zhang, Y. and R. E. Minchin (2017). Forecasting Conceptual Cost of Bridge Projects Using Non-Parametric Regression Analysis. Proc., The 9th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Valencia, Spain.
- Minchin, R. E.; P. Choksi; L. Konrath; S. Scott; Y. Zhang; (2017). Identifying Best Practices for Implementing Alternative Technical Concepts in Infrastructure Construction Project Delivery Methods. Proc., The 9th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Valencia, Spain. (Under Review)
- Zhang, Y. and I. Flood; Yang, Q; C. Kibert (2016). “Using Genetic Algorithm-Based Dependency Structure Matrix for Prefabrication Design Management.” Proc., the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Osaka, Japan.
- Zhang, Y. and R.E. Minchin, ; (2016). “Parametric Cost Estimation of Resurfacing Projects Using Ridge Regression and Generalized Feedforward Neural Network.” Proc., Construction Research Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Zhang, Y. and I. Flood, (2014). “Planning and Scheduling Prefabrication Construction Projects Using Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM).” Proc., The 2014 ICCCBE/ASCE/CIBW78 joint conference, Orland, Florida.
- Zeng, Z.,R. E. Minchin, L.Ptschelinzew , Zhang, Y. (2014). “Applying Multi-objective Decision Making Model To The Selection Of Multiple Project Delivery Methods For Multi-Project Construction Projects.” Proc., The Second Australasia and South-East Asia. Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Ptschelinzew L., R. E. Minchin, R. R. Issa, Y. Zhang (2014). “Development Of A System To Validate And Certify Equipment and Technicians For The Inspection Of Underground Pipe.” Proc., The Second Australasia and South-East Asia. Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Technical Reports
- Minchin R.E., Chini, R.A., L. Ptschelinzew, D. Shah, Y. Zhang. “Evaluation of Alternative Contracting Methods”, Research Project No. BDV31-977-40; Florida Department of Transportation Final Report, Tallahassee, FL, 2016
- Minchin, R.E.; L. Ptschelinzew, R.R. Issa, Y. Zhang. “Best Practices for Inspection of Utility Pipe System Construction”, Research Project No. BDK75 977-56; Florida Department of Transportation Final Report, Tallahassee, FL, 2014
- Minchin R.E., G. Migliaccio, K. Atkins, G. Hostetler, T. Warne, S. Asiamah, L. Ptschelinzew, U. Gatti, Y. Zhang.; “Design Management Guide for Design-Build and Construction Manager / General Contractor Projects”, NCHRP 15-46 Interim Report No. 2, Washington, DC, 2013
- Poster and Presentations
- Zhan Y., R.E. Minchin, L. Ptschelinzew, “Preliminary Cost Estimation of Resurfacing Projects Using Penalized Regression: The Lasso Method.”, Poster and Presentation, Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Conference, Washington D.C. 2016 (Peer Reviewed)
- Zhang, Y. and I. Flood, “Using DSM to sequence iterative activities in prefabrication projects.” Poster, College of Design, Construction, and Planning Research Symposium, Gainesville, FL, 2015
- Invited Lectures
- Delivery and Cost Management of Highway Projects, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC, Dec. 2016
- Demonstration of Refworks to BCN6585 Sustainable Construction, Gainesville, FL, Sep. 2015
- Demonstration of Refworks to ARC1720 Architecture History, Gainesville, FL, Sep. 2015
- Papers in Preparation
- S. Jain, M.d Gheizari.Y. Zhang; “Using Augmented Reality To 3D - Enable 2D Construction Drawings: An Educational Application.” Sumbitting to AACE Journal. (Manuscript Finished)
- Zhang, Y; R.E. Minchin, V. Mahajan. “ Answers to Questions of Ethics by Highway Contractors.” Special Issue on Professional Ethics and Liability in Engineering and Construction. (Manuscript Finished)
- Rilko, W; R.E. Minchin; Y. Zhang. “Performance-Based Acceptance Procedures for In-Place Soil Testing.” Journal of Materials in Construction. (Manuscript Finished)
- Agdas, D.; Y. Zhang, S. Washington “Improving Accuracy of Cost Estimation of Capital Projects Using Simultaneous Equation Modeling.” Journal of Construction Economics and Management (Manuscript Finished)
- Ptschelinzew, L , R.E. Minchin ; R.A. Chini ; Y. Zhang; D. Shal ; “Qualitative Evaluation of Alternative Contracting Methods in Florida.” Journal of Management in Engineering (In Progress)
- Ptschelinzew, L; R.E. Minchin, Chini R.A.; Y. Zhang; D. Shal ;“Quality Performance Assessment of Alternative Contracting Methods.” Journal of Management in Engineering (In Progress)
- Zhang, Y; I. Flood ; Q. Yang; R.E.Minchin ; “Using Genetic Algorithm-Based Dependency Structure Matrix for Prefabrication Design Management: A Case Study.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. (In Progress)