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Stressed Out

The topic of my group presentation for HSC 4302: Methods and Materials course is Managing Stress in your life. Our target group for this presentation is College Students, 18-24 years of age.

As a group we decided to focus on college aged students for our focus on stress. The reason for this is because we recognized that stress is a major challenge that college students are faced with each and every day.  Today, college aged students have the tendency to rely a lot of energy drinks, coffee or any other items that contain some sort of caffeine. Furthermore, college students have a lack of sleep in their every day life. This lack of sleep comes not only from the large amount of caffeinated items that they consume but also because of the large amount of stress that they have. This stress is caused due to exams, course assignments, family issues, relationships, the lack of time management and one of the biggest stressors is their financial situation.

This presentation focuses on teaching college aged students what they need to know about stress. It is focused on defining stress, the effects that stress has in your body, identifying stressors in your life, time management skills, and how one can cope with stress.

Chapter 9: Managing Stress in your Life (Lesson 3: Managing Stress)
Contact Information:
36010201 Keys Complex
Gainesville, FL 32612


Last Updated on Nov. 18. 2008

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