

Career Plan

Instructional Material Report

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Victor in Rollercoaster
Life is a roller coaster be adventurous!
Academic Interest

My academic interest has been very consistent since I was in middle school. Ever since seventh grade, after doing a project on a health topic, I have been very interested in learning more about the health field. All though my topics of interest have chanced from time to time with in the Health field, I have not changed my field of study. From learning about prevention methods, to learning about working with athletes, and teaching others about different health issues, are things that I enjoy. It is part of the reason why I have been a Health Education and Behavior major since my freshmen year in college. This has been my only major through out my college career and I have enjoyed it very much.

Preview Staff

As a Student Affaris Professional, I would like to work with wondeful
Orientation Leaders like the ones in this Picture.
(They are part of the 2007 Preview Staff at the Univeristy of Florida)

Three-Year Career Plan

This upcoming spring semester I will be interning with the CPR and Safety Training Center at the University of Florida. After my internship, I will be graduating in May 2009 with a Bachelors of Science in Health Education. I plan on continuing my education in a master's degree program. I am looking into to paths for graduate school; I am planning on continuing my education with in the Health Education field. However, at the same time I would like to enter the Student Affairs field. Either path that I choose to take, I know that I would be working in the education field. With that being said, I know that for the next two years after I graduate, I will be in a graduate degree program. If I decided to get a Master's in Health Education, I would like to attend the University of Florida. If I decide to take the Student Affairs route, I am looking into attending the University of Georgia, South Carolina University, University of Colorado, University of Tennessee, or Bowling Green University. These schools all have great Student Affairs programs. After completing my graduate degree, I plan on working at a college or university in either health education or student affairs. Who knows, maybe I can do both, after all some institutions have their student health care center under student affairs. I would like to work for a public university, preferable outside of the state of Florida.

Contact Information:
36010201 Keys Complex
Gainesville, FL 32612


Last Updated on Nov. 18. 2008

   Alberta                                               UF                                           Albert