Sarah Webb



Spring 2002

Introduction to Counseling    MHS 5005    Dr. Joe Wittmer

Introduction to Counseling is a course designed to provide academic and training experience to promote student acquisition and development of specific skills in verbal and non-verbal communication, human relations, identification of student problems, and  counseling strategies.  This course helped to enhance foundation in skills in listening, responding, expressing empathy, and focusing.  Small group and four individual practice sessions with the use of videotapes for feedback were utilized.  Personal outcomes from this course included knowledge of basic counseling approaches, understanding of different counseling models, and development of listening/responding skills.


Professional Identity and Ethics    MHS 6720    Dr. Joe Wittmer

Goals and objectives for this course revolved around learning about and understanding the professional roles and functions of the counseling profession including history of the profession, professional organizations, ethical and legal standards, credentialing, life-long professional development, and crisis intervention counseling and ethics.


Counseling Theories    MHS 6401    Dr. James Archer

 This introductory graduate course surveyed major theories of counseling with an emphasis on understanding the theories and basic application.  Three individual videotaped practice counseling sessions were used to develop awareness of personal values, beliefs, and philosophies, while providing an opportunity for constructive feedback on counseling skills and techniques.


Human Development    EDF 6113    Dr. Franks

This course qualified for credit in the psychological foundation content area of the Florida Teaching Certification requirements.  Human Development reviewed the major theories of psychological development from pre-natal development to adult cognitive functioning with an emphasis on educational applications.


Summer 2002

Career Development    MHS 6340    Dr, Mary Ann Clark

The purpose of this course was to provide counseling knowledge and skills essential for assisting others with career development and life span issues.  An overview was provided of career counseling theories, techniques, assessments, and resources.  Occupational and educational information, employment trends, concepts, and principles for effective educational and career planning and development were provided.


Counseling in the Community Setting    MHS 6020    Dr. Peter Sherrard

This course involved review of nine professional disciplines essential for effective mental health service delivery including Cybernetic/ Eco-systemic Thinking, Mental Models, Team Learning, Personal Mastery, Shared Vision, Scenario Building, Policy Analysis, Political Analysis, Political Action, Conflict Resolution, and Creative Marketing.  Perspectives that influence counselors in recognizing, facilitating, and managing personal, political, structural, and social change in community and institutional settings were explored.


The Principalship    EDA 6503    Dr. James Doud

T.  The goals of this course included attainment of familiarity with essential administrative and management functions/ roles of the PK-12 principal along with a competence for basis professional development planning. The Principalship encouraged development of understanding of the organizational conditions which should exist is quality education and reflection of possible restructuring of schools to improve productivity and accountability.


Social and Economic Foundations of Education    EDF 6606    Dr. Art Newman

This course fulfilled the Florida Teacher Certification requirement for the sociological foundations content area.  The major objective of this course was to engage in a probing inquiry into the relationship between the American public school system and the wider culture in which it is embedded.    This course focused on how our schools respond to significant social issues and problems, encouraging critical reflection of societal and educational issues.


Fall 2002

Play Counseling and Process    MHS 6421    Dr. Robert D. Myrick

Theories of play counseling and process lay at the center of this course focusing on the use of props and the seven play media: guided imagery, art, puppets/ dolls, creative dramatics, music/ movement, games, and humor/ magic.  Structured and unstructured play counseling experiences were utilized to develop and apply theoretical and developmental knowledge of play counseling and therapy.


Research in Counseling and Development    MHS 7740    Dr. Larry L. Loesch

The major purposes of this course include an understanding of fundamental information and principles pertinent to appraisal of human characteristics and behaviors; comprehension of professional literature pertinent to appraisal and research; and development of basic appraisal skills for professional activities.


Assessment in Counseling and Development    MHS 7740    Dr. Larry L. Loesch

The major purposes of this course include an understanding of fundamental information and principles pertinent to appraisal of human characteristics and behaviors; comprehension of professional literature pertinent to appraisal and assessment; and development of basic appraisal skills for professional activities.


Practicum 1 in School Counseling (150 hrs)    MHS 7800    Mebane Middle School

During this first practicum experience, the concentration is on building essential counseling skills and developing a personal counseling and interviewing style.  Objectives for practicum 1 include individual counseling, small and large group guidance, training of peer facilitators, consultation, and building experience in school processes and procedures such as special education planning and placement.


Group Supervision in School Counseling    SDS 7820    Dr. Larry L. Loesch

This course provides weekly group supervision in order is discuss and process the onsite practicum experiences.  Group supervision provides an opportunity to share examples of work and receive feedback from peers and supervisors.


Spring 2003

Organization and Administration of School Counseling Programs                      SDS 6620     Dr. Thompson

This course focuses on essential skills for planning and organizing effective school guidance and counseling programs.  Objectives center around a comprehensive developmental counseling program including individual counseling, small group counseling, large group counseling, consultation, and coordination.  Legal and ethical issues, diversity of students, special populations, use of resources, and leadership styles as well as practical applications were examined and discussed.


The School Curriculum    EDG 6250    Dr. Mark Brunner

This course fulfilled the Florida Teacher Certification requirement for the school curriculum content area.  This course provided an overview of school curriculum including history, sociological foundations, philosophies, psychological foundations, design,  development, and implementation


Substance Abuse Counseling    MHS 6450    Dr, Mickie Miller

This course provided an overview of substance abuse problems and their treatment.  Key topics covered in the course include addiction, pharmacology of substance abuse, assessment, referral, modes of treatment, and special populations.


Counseling Children and Adolescents  SDS 6411/SDS 6413  Dr. Robert D. Myrick

The objective of this course is to develop an understanding of the nature of children and adolescents as related to their guidance and counseling needs.  The course centers around the six guidance interventions of individual, small, and large group counseling, and peer facilitator training, consultation, and coordination.  In this course, development of computer and networking skills along with counselor accountability procedures are encouraged.

Summer 2003


Fall 2003

Home    Personal Statement    Biographical Sketch    Resume   

Skills & Interventions    Papers & Presentations    Transcripts