Sarah Webb
I was born and raised in South Florida where I grew up chasing minnows in backyard lakes and looking forward to summer vacations in the Tennessee mountains. My father, Randy, and mother, Patty, are two extraordinary people who nurture and support their three children, myself, Randy and Maggie. I only hope that I am as strong and clever as my Grammy and Mammaw who have influenced my world exponentially. My extended family and friends are amazing and without their love and hilarity, I doubt I would have accomplished what I have today. |
In high school, my devotion belonged to media production and I had dreams of becoming a film producer but once I entered college, I realized my true passion lay at more social, humanistic work. Through volunteering at schools, and inheriting some of my mother's passion for education, I found the profession of school counseling. I look forward to working with students, teachers, families, and the community as I began my career as a school counselor.
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