Tapomoy Bhattacharjee received his PhD from the University of Florida in 2018 for his study of cell mechanics in 3D microgel media. He received his B.S. degree
in chemical engineering from the Jadavpur University in 2012 followed by his M.S. degree in chemical engineering and M.S degree in mechanical engineering from the
University of Florida in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Tapomoy was last seen working as a PostDoc in the Datta Lab at Princeton.
"Commercially Available Microgels for 3D Bioprinting"
C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, S.L. Marshall, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini, Bioprinting, 11 e00037 (2018)
"3D T cell motility in Jammed Microgels"
T. Bhattacharjee, T.E. Angelini, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52 024006 (2019)
"Polyelectrolyte Scaling Laws for Microgel Yielding Near Jamming"
T. Bhattacharjee, C.P. Kabb, C.S. O'Bryan, J.M. Urueña, B.S. Sumerlin, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini, Soft Matter (2018)
"In Situ Measurements of Contact Dynamics in Speed-dependent Hydrogel Friction"
E.O. McGhee, A.A. Pitenis, J.M Urueña, K.D. Schulze, A.J. McGhee, C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer, Biotribology 13 23-29 (2018)
"Eliminating the Surface Location from Soft Matter Contact Mechanics Measurements"
M. Garcia, K.D. Schulze, C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini, Tribology-Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 11 1-6 (2017)
"3D Printing with Sacrificial Materials for Soft Matter Manufacturing"
C.S. O'Bryan, T Bhattacharjee, S.R. Niemi, S. Balachandar, N. Baldwin, S.T. Ellison, C.R. Taylor, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini, MRS Bulletin, 42 571-577 (2017)
"A Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Method for Measuring Mucous Layer Growth on Living Corneal Epithelia"
T.T. Hormel, T. Bhattacharjee, A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Biotribology 11 73-76 (2017)
"Corneal cell friction: Survival, lubricity, tear films, and mucin production over extended duration in vitro studies"
A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, T.T. Hormel, T. Bhattacharjee, S.R. Niemi, S.L. Marshall, S.M. Hart, K.D. Schulze, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Biotribology 11 77-83 (2017)
"Self-Assembled Micro-Organogels for 3D Printing Silicone Structures"
C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, S. Hart, C.P. Kabb, K.D. Schulze, I. Chilakala, B.S. Sumerlin, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini, Science Advances, 3, e1602800 (2017).
"Elastic Modulus and Hydraulic Permeability of MDCK Monolayers"
K.D. Schulze, S.M. Zhender, J.M. Urueña, T. Bhattacharjee, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini, Journal of Biomechanics 53, 210-213 (2017).
"Granular Gel Support-Enabled Extrusion of Three-Dimensional Alginate and Cellular Structures"
Y. Jin, A. Compaan, T. Bhattacharjee, Y. Huang, Biofabrication 8(2), (2016).
"Liquid-like solids support cells in 3D"
T. Bhattacharjee, C.J. Gil,S.L. Marshall, J.M. Urueña, C.S. O'Bryan, M. Carstens, B. Keselowsky, G.D. Palmer, S. Ghivizzani, C.P. Gibbs, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini, ACS Biomat. Sci. & Eng., 2, 1787-1795 (2016).
"Lubricity from entangled polymer networks on hydrogels"
A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, R.M. Nixon, T. Bhattacharjee, B.A. Krick, A.C. Dunn, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer, J. Tribology, 138, 042102 (2016).
- Scaling Laws for Polyelectrolyte Microgel Yielding Near Jamming
UF Soft Matter Applied Research and Technologies Symposium; Jan 2018
- 3D Cell Motion in Jammed Granular Microgels
UF Biomaterials Day, University of Florida, Mar 2017
- Classifying and Analyzing 3D Cell Motion in Jammed Microgels
American Physical Society, Mar 2017
- Friction and Yielding in Liquid-Like Solids
Society of Tribology and Lubrication Engineering, May 2016
- Liquid-Like Solids as 3D Cell Growth Medium
Institute of Cell and Tissue Science and Engineering, 2016
- Three-Dimensional Cell Behavior in Microgels
American Physical Society, Mar 2016
- 3D Cell Behavior in Liquid-Like Solids
UF Biomaterials Day, University of Florida, 2016
- Writing in the Granular Gel Medium
Biomedical Engineering Society, 2015
- Complex Cellular Manifolds in a Granular Gel
Biomedical Engineering Society, 2015
- Complex Multi-cellular Manifolds
American Physical Society, Mar 2015
- Microencapsulation of Drugs with Biodegradable Polymers
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2011
- Formulation of Mathematical Model for Dead End Ultrafiltration System using Dimensional Analysis Approach
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2009
- Analyzing Active Cell Motion in 3D Jammed Microgels
UF Soft Matter Symposium; Oct 2017
- Analyzing 3D Cell Motion in Jammed Microgels
Gordon Research Conference - Soft Condensed Matter Physics, 2017
- Polymer Physics Scaling Laws in Yielding of Jammed Microgels
Society of Rheology, 2017
- Yielding in Liquid-Like Solids
Gordon Research Conference - Tribology, 2016
- Friction and Yielding in Liquid-Like Solids
Soft Matter Symposium, 2015
- High Energy Dissipation from Iron Oxide Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles through Optimization of their Intrinsic Loss Power (ILP)
NanoFlorida, 2013
- Outstanding International Student Award, University of Florida (2017)
- ACS Editors' Choice Award (2016)
- Attributes of a Gator Engineer Creativity Award - University of Florida (2016)
- Best Presentation - Annual Symposium, Institute for Cell & Tissue Science and Engineering - University of Florida (2016)
- University of Florida Technology Innovator Award - (2015)
- National Merit Award - Government of India (2008-2012)