Dr. Christopher S. O’Bryan received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Florida in 2019 for his work with Tommy Angelini in developing
aqueous and organic microgels and demonstrating their application as a support material for soft matter 3D printing. He received his M.S. in mechanical engineering
from in 2017 and his B.S. in aerospace engineering in 2012, both from the University of Florida. In 2017, he received the Student Research Award from the University
of Florida for his work in developing micro-organogels for silicone 3D printing applications. Chris’s research continues to focus on understanding the destabilizing
effects of interfacial tension on structures 3D printed into sacrificial support materials, as well as understanding the role of polyelectrolyte – ion interactions
on the rheological behavior of jammed microgel systems.
"Quantitative Characterization of 3D Bioprinted Structural Elements Under Cell Generated Forces"
C. Morley, S.T Ellison, T. Bhattacharjee, C.S. O'Bryan , Y. Zhang, K. Smith, C.P. Kabb, M. Sebastian, G. Moore, K.D. Schulze, S.R. Niemi, W.G. Sawyer, D. Tran, D. Mitchell, B.S. Sumerlin, C. Flores, T.E. Angelini; Nature Communications, 10 3029 (2019)
"Anthracene-Based Mechanophores for Compression-Activated Fluorescence in Polymeric Networks"
C.P. Kabb, C.S. O'Bryan, C. Morley, T.E. Angelini, B.S. Sumerlin; Chemical Science, (X) XXXX-XXXX (2019)
"Repair of Nuclear Ruptures Requires Barrier-to-Autointegration Factor"
C.T. Halfmann, R.M. Sears, A. Katiyar, B.W. Busselman, L.K. Aman, Q. Zhang, C.S. O'Bryan, T.E. Angelini, T.P. Lele, K.J. Roux; Journal of Cell Biology, jcb-201901116 (2019)
"Hierarchical Self-Assembly and Emergent Function of Densely Glycosylated Peptide Nanofibers"
A. Restuccia, D.T. Seroski, K.L. Kelley, C.S. O'Bryan, J.J. Kurian, K.R. Knox, S.A. Farhadi, T.E. Angelini, G.A. Hudalla; Communications Chemsitry, 2 (1) p.53 (2019)
"Jammed Polyelectrolyte Microgels for 3D Cell Culture Applications: Rheological Behavior with Added Salts"
C.S. O'Bryan, C.P. Kabb, B.S. Sumerlin, T.E. Angelini; ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2 (4) 1509-1517 (2019)
"Commercially Available Microgels for 3D Bioprinting"
C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, S.L. Marshall, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Bioprinting, 11 e00037 (2018)
"Friction-Induced Inflammation"
A.A Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, S.M. Hart, C.S. O'Bryan, S.L. Marshall, P.P. Levings, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Tribology Letters 66-3 81 (2018)
"Photoreversible Covalent Hydrogels for Soft-Matter Additive Manufacturing"
C.P. Kabb, C.S. O'Bryan, C.C. Deng, T.E. Angelini, B.S. Sumerlin; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2018)
"Polyelectrolyte Scaling Laws for Microgel Yielding Near Jamming"
T. Bhattacharjee, C.P. Kabb, C.S. O'Bryan, J.M. Urueña, B.S. Sumerlin, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Soft Matter (2018)
"In Situ Measurements of Contact Dynamics in Speed-dependent Hydrogel Friction"
E.O. McGhee, A.A. Pitenis, J.M Urueña, K.D. Schulze, A.J. McGhee, C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Biotribology 13 23-29 (2018)
"Eliminating the Surface Location from Soft Matter Contact Mechanics Measurements"
M. Garcia, K.D. Schulze, C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Tribology-Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 11 1-6 (2017)
"3D Printing with Sacrificial Materials for Soft Matter Manufacturing"
C.S. O'Bryan, T Bhattacharjee, S.R. Niemi, S. Balachandar, N. Baldwin, S.T. Ellison, C.R. Taylor, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; MRS Bulletin, 42 571-577 (2017)
"Polymer Osmotic Pressure in Hydrogel Contact Mechanics"
K.D. Schulze, S.M. Hart, S.L. Marshall, C.S. O'Bryan, J.M. Urueña, A.P. Pitenis, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Biotribology 11 3-7 (2017)
"Spherically Capped Membrane Probes for Low Contact Pressure Tribology"
S.L. Marshall, K.D. Schulze, S.M. Hart, J.M. Urueña, E.O. McGhee, A.I. Bennett, A.P. Pitenis, C.S. O'Bryan, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Biotribology 11 69-72 (2017)
"Self-Assembled Micro-Organogels for 3D Printing Silicone Structures"
C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, S. Hart, C.P. Kabb, K.D. Schulze, I. Chilakala, B.S. Sumerlin, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Science Advances, 3, e1602800 (2017).
"Liquid-like solids support cells in 3D"
T. Bhattacharjee, C.J. Gil,S.L. Marshall, J.M. Urueña, C.S. O'Bryan, M. Carstens, B. Keselowsky, G.D. Palmer, S. Ghivizzani, C.P. Gibbs, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; ACS Biomat. Sci. & Eng., 2, 1787-1795 (2016).
- Small Forces, Large Noise: Scaling Nano-Indentation to the Micro Scale
Society of Tribology and Lubrication Engineering; May 2019
- Interfacially Driven Plastic Deformation of Soft Solids
American Physical Society; Mar 2019
- Soft and Squishy: Challenges in Soft Matter Contact Mechanics
UF Soft Matter Applied Research and Technologies Symposium; Feb 2019
- Polyelectrolyte-Multivalent Ion Interactions in Jammed Granular Microgels
American Physical Society; Mar 2018
- The Effects of Multivalent Ions on Microgel Rheology
UF Soft Matter Applied Research and Technologies Symposium; Jan 2018
- Role of Multivalent Ion-Polyelectrolyte Interactions on Microgel Rheology
Society of Rheology; Oct 2017
- Viability of Corneal Epithelial Cells at the Air-Gel Interface
Society of Tribology and Lubrication Engineering; May 2017
- Immiscibility Driven Instabilities in Soft Matter 3D Printing
Society of Experimental Mechanics; Apr 2017
- Cells on Gels: Cell behavior at the Air-Gel Interface
American Physical Society; Mar 2017
- Silicone 3D Printing in Micro-Organogels
UF Soft Matter Applied Research and Technologies Symposium; Jan 2017
- Tribology in 3D Printing with Liquid-Like Solids and Complex Fluids
Society of Tribology and Lubrication Engineering; May 2016
- The Sheet Trapped in a Plumber's Nightmare
American Physical Society; Mar 2016
- Aqueous and Organic Microgels for Soft Matter 3D Printing
UPENN; May 2019
- Aqueous and Organic Microgels for Soft Matter 3D Printing
ETH Zurich; Feb 2019
- Aqueous and Organic Microgels for Soft Matter 3D Printing
IMI Digital Manufacturing; Feb 2019
- Aqueous and Organic Microgels for Soft Matter 3D Printing
UPENN; Jan 2019
- Structuring Fluids in 3D Space with Soft Matter 3D Printing
Institute for Learning in Retirement, Gainesville, FL ; July 2018
- Polyelectrolyte-Ion Interactions in Jammed Microgels for 3D Cell Culture
UF Soft Matter Symposium; Oct 2018
- Multivalent Ion - Polyelectrolyte Interactions in Jammed Granular Microgels
UF Soft Matter Symposium; Oct 2017
- Jammed Micro-Organogels for 3D Printing with Oily Soft Matter
Society of Rheology; Feb 2017
- Self-Assembled Micro-Organogels for Silicone 3D Printing
UF Soft Matter Symposium; Oct 2016
- MAE Graduate Student Research Award - University of Florida (2017)
- Multidisciplinary Research Exerpeinces for Teachers (MRET) Mentor (2018)
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Mentor (2017)
- Student Science Training Program (SSTP) Mentor (2016, 2017)