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Adobe InDesign

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We live in a hectic world.

While many advertising, public relations, and other communication students out there are hungry for knowledge on Adobe InDesign that will help them succeed in their courses as well as professional jobs and internships, professors do not always have the time to teach the program and pay individual attention to each student.

Are you a student who is feeling frustrated because you need to learn Adobe InDesign for class and/or professional projects, but no one seems to be available to teach you? Are you a professor who needs to teach your students how to use the program but simply do not have the time or the resources to do so?

Stop frowning! This site will turn you on to some of the best digital online learning InDesign resources out there so that you can take learning into your own hands, learn at your own pace and be working on InDesign projects in no time while also satisfying your students craving for InDesign knowledge!

The information on this site is by no means exhaustive. It designed to turn you on to a few of the best resources that I have found through my extensive search and teach you how to continue finding more great InDesign treasures on the Web!


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