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About Me

Hello and welcome to my site! I am your host Sonia Acosta.

I am a graduate student in mass communications at the University of Florida, and I have created this site in order to get you started on a journey to learning how to use InDesign without having to sit in a classroom at inconvenient times if you are a student and to help you teach InDesign to your students without having to use valuable resources of time if you are a professor.

The information presented on this site is made up of my recommendations and the resources that I have found to be valuable for learning InDesign through my search and evaluation of them. No endorsement on this site is paid for by any sponsor. All resources are showcased because I have examined them and feel they will really assist you in all of your InDesign needs.

The list of resources offered here is not by any means exhaustive. Don't let the journey end here. Simply let this be a little push into the numerous and valuable resources that are out there for you to enjoy if you take the time to find them!


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