A Look into the Play with Clay:
A Ceramics Webquest

Ceramics History







"A peoples' creativity, its sensitivity and its finesse
can all be appreciated through its pottery."
- Herbert Read, Art Historian

Every culture around the world has made ceramics in one form or another. Some cultures have certain traits that are characteristic in all of their forms and other cultures have no common aesthetic. In each culture there are various stylistic periods that build upon or rebel against one another. In these periods it is more likely for a culture to have a unified aesthetic, but it is not unlikely for larger cultures to have more than one stylistic period overlaping.

Below is a small sampling of many cultures' ceramic histories and examples of their forms. They are divided into catagories based on geographical parameters of countries, but as in any divisions amoung cultures go, one must always remember that no culture exists in a vacuum and many outside forces influence it and its art forms. Another important factor to remember with these catagories is that within one country there is often many cultures coexisting producing centuries of different perspectives of history and ceramic forms. The history of art closely parallels the world's history in that the interactions between cultures is often the spark that creates new technologies, invetions, or ideas.

On this page you will work from gerneral to specific. First, you should survey links from many of the different cultures. Some pages are better than others; some have great histories, some have great pictures of historical pottery, and some have a good look into the period that the pottery was made, all have something worthwhile about ceramics to learn. Second, pick one specific culture or country to research further on your own. You will need to find a good on-line resource on the history of the culture or country you specialized in. (The criteria for a good resource is: (1) it gives valuable information; (2) it's from a credible source; (3) it includes both text and images; and (4) it's not repetative of other sources already found in the catagory.)

American ® American Indian Pottery
® American Newcomb Pottery
® American Ceramics History
® Blue Ridge Pottery
Mexican ® A History of Mexican Ceramics
® Brief History of Talavera Pottery
Japanese ® Japanese Ceramic Styles
® Shoji Hamada
® Heart of Pottery Created by Dialogue Between Earth and Hand
Chinese ® Chinese Ceramics History by Period
® Yixing Tea Pots
Greek ® Pre-modern Greek pottery history
® Introduction to greek pottery and vases
® Tutorial on ancient Greek ceramics
Italian ® Ceramic Museum of Nove and Bassano
® Majolica ceramics
Brazilian ® Brazilian Pottery
Australian ® Australian Bendigo Pottery
® Australian Pottery
English ® Leach Pottery

Check out these sites too:

Go here for a world's history of pottery.

Go here for a good overivew of a few famous ceramics artists , which includes a short bio and a example of each artist's work.

Go here for a comprehensive index of famous potters, which includes photographs of their work.

Go here for a quick look into the history of Picasso at Madoura: 1946-1971.

Go here for an interesting article on the history of economic growth through ceramics.
