Session 4: Learn the healing brush tool

The healing brush function is one of the most useful when editing photos. It can be used to get rid of scars (as you can see from our example), wrinkles, blemishes, etc.

Photoshop’s definition of the healing brush sums up its ability nicely: “The healing brush tool lets you correct imperfections, causing them to disappear into the surrounding image. The healing brush tool also matches the texture, lighting, and shading of the sampled pixels to the source pixels. As a result, the repaired pixels blend seamlessly into the rest of the image.”







...becomes this






Based on the starting point, Photoshop will calculate the color information surrounding a point and do it’s best to fix the area based on the surrounding color information


To use the healing brush tool  e   

- First, define the starting point by holding the Alt key down and clicking. Notice how the cursor changes when you hold down the Alt key
- Next, hold down the mouse key and drag over the area to be repaired.

To see the healing brush work, click here for a video.

Now it’s your turn.


Open files 4-1.jpg and 4-2.jpg. Practice your healing skills on these two photos. As always, email me your final products.

Last updated: 2/25/07
