The University of Florida Collegiate FFA
About Us
Service Activities
Social Events

Social Events of CFFA

CFFA Aggies Solfball

CFFA Aggies Softball - Our club has a Co-Ed Softball team that competes against other UF teams. The Aggies have represented our club well with their outstanding sportsmanship and enthusiasm during competition.

CFFA Bowling Night

CFFA Bowling Night - We hosted an evening of bowling and fun for our members at the Reitz Union Game Room. The night provided us with a much needed break from classes and exams.

CFFA members working as a team to complete the rope course.

Ropes Course - AgEd students and many CFFA members attended a ropes course where we bonded and practiced our communication skills. We definitely got to know each other on a different level!

CFFA members performing a skit in a competition at the National ATA Conclave.

National ATA Conclave - The National ATA Conclave was held in conjunction with the National FFA Convention this past October. Several of our members traveled to Indiana to participate in competitions and work in the UF recruitment booth in the FFA Career Show.

CFFA members visiting the Lake Butler High School agriscience program.

Lake Butler HS/FFA - We visited the Lake Butler High School agriscience facility and talk with the agriculture teachers Mr. Harris, Mrs. James, and Mr. Williams. We were impressed by the level of diversity offered within the agriscience program and we left with good advice for us to utilize in the future as we become agriscience educators.