Welcome to fifth grade, part two! It’s the final half of your final year as an elementary school student. The second semester begins on Tuesday, January 22, when we return to school after a glorious four-day weekend. Rest up fifth graders; you’re in for a fast and furious ride.
To me, this time of year feels like the first drop on a roller coaster ride, the free fall. Everything happens quickly; it’s exhilarating and intense. I try hard to ignore that sneaky wistful feeling that washes over me whenever I think about the end of the ride. No reason to think about that yet. That would spoil the fun.
Get excited. You waited in a long line for this part of the ride. This is the part you’ll remember most clearly and tell your friends about for years to come.
This part of the ride races through the science fair, field trips, science days, and FCAT testing. It passes through the Battle of the Books, student-led conferences, kickball championships, field day, Heads and Hearts, and Book-a-bration. And as we rumble toward the end of our journey together, there will be a whirlwind of wonderful activities to celebrate your accomplishments and upcoming bigger adventures in middle school.
I think this is the best time of elementary school for lots of little reasons. School is a fun place to be. You’ve bonded with your classmates and teachers. We know you and you know us. You’re finally old enough to appreciate friends and family. You’ve established a routine to get your work done, yet still find time to enjoy your favorite activities. School life and home life seem to blend easily. Life has a rhythm that is comfortable and good.
My advice is to savor every drop, loop, and brief lull of this crazy ride. Stay busy, but take time to reflect. Continue to work hard, cherish your friends, and respect your family. Remember to enjoy being a kid.
And know, everyday, that I am honored to be your teacher.
See you on Tuesday fifth graders!