Organized Kids Earn Great Grades
In the gifted program we almost always have ongoing projects.  Make sure you follow directions,(I’m all about following directions), work steadily, show creativity, and meet your deadline.  

Current Project: 
Late Penalty:

Remember, if your work is late you lose 10% of the total available points per day.  Work that is more than one week late cannot earn more than 50% of the total points.  Work more than two weeks late won’t be accepted.  YIKES! Your Weekly Agenda For the week beginning 5/26/08

Monday: Memorial Day - No School!!!

Tuesday: EP Conferences Moore

Wednesday: Global Warming Day-wear outdoor clothes


Friday: YMCA Picnic - Bring bag lunch, water, sunscreen

Reminder:  Monday, 6/2 Classroom Awards Ceremony and Breakfast 8:35 - 10:00 and Tuesday, 6/3 Fifth Grade Breakfast and Awards Ceremony in MPR