Edited Books
BECKER, M., GRINSTEAD, J. & ROTHMAN, J. (2013). Generative Linguistics and Acquisition: Studies in honor of Nina M. Hyams.Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. |
CABRELLI AMARO, J., FLYNN, S. & ROTHMAN, J. (eds). (2012). Third Language Acquisition in Adulthood. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. |
POTOWKSI, K.. & ROTHMAN, J (eds). (2011) Spanish in English-speaking societies. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing status: In production. |
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PIRES, A. & ROTHMAN, J. (eds.) (2009). Minimalist Inquiries into Child and Adult Language Acquisition: Case Studies Across Portuguese. Berlin/New York: Mouton DeGruyter. | ![]() |
SLABAKOVA, R.; ROTHMAN , J.; KEMPCHINSKY, P and GAVRUSEVA, E (eds.) (2008) Proceedings of the 9th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2007). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Special Issues of Journals
ROTHMAN, J. & SLABAKOVA, R. (2011) Acquisition at the Linguistic Interfaces. Lingua, 121, 4.
ROTHMAN, J. (2009) Understanding the Nature of Early Bilingualism: Romance Languages as Heritage Languages. Special Issue of International Journal of Bilingualism 13, 2.
Refereed Professional Journals
ROTHMAN, J. & IVERSON, M. (accepted). Strong Islands and Null Objects in L2-Spanish of Brazilian Portuguese natives: Do you know the learners who drop___? Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
CAMPOS, G., PIRES, A. & ROTHMAN, J. (accepted). Subject-to-Subject Raising and the Syntax of Tense in L2 Spanish: A Full Access Approach. Bilingualism: Language & Cognition.
SLABAKOVA, R., KEMPCHINSKY, P. & ROTHMAN, J. (2012) Clitic-doubled Left Dislocation and Focus Fronting in L2 Spanish: A case of successful acquisition at the syntax-discourse interface. Second Language Research, 28 (3), 319-343.
PASCUAL Y CABO, D. & ROTHMAN, J. (2012) The (Il)logical Problem of Heritage Speaker Bilingualism and Incomplete Acquisition. Applied Linguistics, 33,
ROTHMAN, J. & GUIJARRO-FUENTES, P. (2012) Linguistic Interfaces and Language Acquisition in Childhood. First Language, 32, 3-17.
CUZA, A. & GUIJARRO-FUENTES, P., PIRES, A. & ROTHMAN, J. (2012) Bare and definite plural subject interpretations in the L2 Spanish of English-natives. International Journal of Bilingualism, 16.
ROTHMAN, J. & IVERSON, M. (2011). Flexionar ou Não Flexionar, Eis a Questão: Infinitivos no Português como Segunda Língua (L2). Letras de Hoje 46, 28-43.
ROTHMAN, J., IVERSON, M. & JUDY, T. (2011). Some Notes on the Generative Study of L3 Acquisition. Second Language Research, 27(1), 5-19.
SLABAKOVA, R., ROTHMAN, J. & KEMPCHINSKY, P. (2011). Gradient Competence at the Syntax-Discourse Interface. EuroSLA Yearbook 11, 218-243.
PIRES, A., ROTHMAN, J. AND SANTOS, A. (2011) L1 acquisition across Portuguese dialects: Modular and interdisciplinary interfaces as sources of explanation . Lingua, 121(4), 605-622.
PIRES, A. & ROTHMAN, J. (2011). An integrated perspective on comparative bilingual differences: Beyond the interface problem. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 1, 74-78.
ROTHMAN, J. (2011). L3 Syntactic Transfer Selectivity and Typological Determinacy: The Typological Primacy Model. Second Language Research, 27,1, 107-127.
ROTHMAN, J. & Slabakova, R. (2011). The Mind-Context Divide: On linguistic interfaces and language acquisition. Lingua, 121 (4) 568-57.6
ROTHMAN, J. & GUIJARRO-FUENTES (2010). Input Quality Matters: Some Comments on Input Type and Age-Effects in Adult SLA. Applied Linguistics 31, 2 301-306
ROTHMAN, J. (2010). On the Typological Economy of Syntactic Transfer: Word Order and Relative Clause Attachment Preference in L3 Brazilian Portuguese. International Review of Applied Linguistics, IRAL, 48, 2/3 243-271
CABRELLI-AMARO, J. & ROTHMAN, J. (2010). L3 acquisition and phonological permeability: A new test case for debates on the mental representation of non-native phonological systems. International Review of Applied Linguistics, IRAL, 48, 2/3 273-294
ROTHMAN, J. & CABRELLI-AMARO, J. (2010). What Variables Condition Syntactic Transfer?: A Look at the L3 Initial State. Second Language Research 26, 2 189-218
ROTHMAN, J. (2010). Theoretical Linguistics Meets Pedagogical Practice: Pronominal Subject Use in Spanish as a Second Language (L2). Hispania, 93, 1 52-65
ROTHMAN, J., JUDY, T., GUIJARRO-FUENTES, P. AND PIRES, A. (2010). On the (Un)—Ambiguity of Adjectival Interpretation in L2 Spanish: Informing Debates on the Mental Representation of L2 syntax. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 32, 1, 47-77
ROTHMAN, J. (2009) Understanding the Nature and Outcomes of Early Bilingualism: Romance Languages as Heritage Languages. International Journal of Bilingualism, 13,2, 145-155
PIRES, A. & ROTHMAN, J. (2009). Disentangling Contributing Variables to Incomplete Acquisition Competence Outcomes: What Differences Across Brazilian and European Portuguese Heritage Speakers Tell Us. International Journal of Bilingualism, 13, 2 211-238
ROTHMAN, J., IVERSON, M. & JUDY, T. (2009). Bound Variable, Split Antecedent and Ellipsis Interpretations in L2 Portuguese: Implications for L2 Acquisition Theories. Estudos da Linguagem 7, (2) 260-299
ROTHMAN, J. & IVERSON, M. (2009). Beyond Morphological Use: What Semantic Knowledge Tells Us About Aspect in L2 Portuguese. Estudos da Linguagem 7, (2) 233-259
ROTHMAN, J. (2009). Pragmatic Deficits with Syntactic Consequences: L2 Pronominal Subjects and the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface. Journal of Pragmatics, 41 951-973
ROTHMAN, J. (2009). Knowledge of A/A'-Dependencies on Subject Extraction with Two Types of Infinitives in Non-Native Portuguese Adult Bilingualism. International Journal of Bilingualism13 (1), 111-140
ROTHMAN, J. (2008). Why Not All Counter-Evidence to the Critical Period Hypothesis Is Equal or Problematic: Implications for SLA. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2 (6), 1063–1088
ROTHMAN, J. (2008) Linguistic Epistemology and the Notion of Monolingualism. Sociolinguistic Studies, 2,3 441-457
ROTHMAN, J. & IVERSON, M. (2008). Poverty-of-the-stimulus and L2 Epistemology: Considering L2 Knowledge of Aspectual Phrasal Semantics. Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics 15, 4 270-314
IVERSON, M., KEMPCHINSKY, P. & ROTHMAN, J. (2008). Interface Vulnerability and Knowledge of the Subjunctive/Indicative Distinction with Negated Epistemic Predicates in L2 Spanish. EUROSLA Yearbook, 8 135-163
ROTHMAN, J. (2008). How Pragmatically Odd!: Interface Delays and Pronominal Subject Distribution in the L2 Spanish of English Natives. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 1, 2 317-339
ROTHMAN, J. (2008). Aspectual Morphology Use in Adult L2 Spanish & The Competing Systems Hypothesis: When Pedagogical and Linguistic Rules Conflict. Languages in Contrast, 8,1, 74- 106
NIÑO-MURCIA, M. GODENZZI, J.C. & ROTHMAN, J. (2008). Spanish as a World Language: The Interplay of Globalized Localization and Localized Globalization. International Multilingual Research Journal 2,1, 48-66
ROTHMAN, J. (2007). Sometimes They Use It, Sometimes They Don’t: An Epistemological Discussion of L2 Morphological Production and Its Use as a Competence Measurement. Applied Linguistics 28, 4 609-615
ROTHMAN, J. (2007) Heritage Speaker Competence Differences, Language Change and Input Type: Inflected Infinitives in Heritage Brazilian Portuguese. International Journal of Bilingualism 11, 4 359-389
ROTHMAN, J. & IVERSON, M. (2007). On L2 Clustering and Resetting the Null Subject Parameter in L2 Spanish: Implications and Observations. Hispania, 90, 2, 329-342
ROTHMAN, J. & IVERSON, M. (2007). Input Type and Parameter Resetting: Is Naturalistic Input Necessary? International Review of Applied Linguistics, IRAL, 45,4 285-319
ROTHMAN, J. & IVERSON, M. (2007). The Syntax of Pronominal Subjects in L2 Spanish: Comparing Two L2 Populations with Different Exposure RESLA- Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 20, 185-214
ROTHMAN, J. & A. RELL (2005). A Linguistic Analysis of Spanglish: Relating Language to Identity. Linguistics and the Human Science, 1,3, 515-536.
Book Chapters (Refereed)
LONG, D. & ROTHMAN, J. (to appear) Generative approaches and the Competing Systems Hypothesis: Formal acquisition to practical application. In. J. Schweiter (ed.) Theoretical and pedagogical innovations in SLA and bilingualism. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins
ROTHMAN, J. & VANPATTEN, B. (to appear). On Multiplicity and Mutual Exclusivity: The Case for Different SLA Theories. In García-Mayo et al. (eds.), Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing
ROTHMAN, J., DUARTE, I., PIRES, A. & SANTOS, A. L., (to appear). How early after all?: Inflected Infinitives in European and Brazilian Portuguese L1 production.
PASCUAL y CABO, D. & ROTHMAN, J. (in press) Multilingualism and Identity. In Chappel, C. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. MA: Blackwell.
SANTOS, A. L., ROTHMAN, J., DUARTE, I. & PIRES, A. (to appear). Early or late acquisition of inflected infinitives in European Portuguese?: Evidence from spontaneous production data. In Becker, M., Grinstead, J, Rothman, J. and Schwartz, B. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing
AYOUN, D. & ROTHMAN, J. (2012). Generative Approaches to the Acquisition of Tense, Aspect and Mood in adult L2. In Salaberry, R and Comajoan, Ll. (eds.), The Research Design and Methodology in Studies on Second Language Tense and Aspect. Berlin/NewYork: Mounton deGryuter.
CABRELLI AMARO, J., FLYNN, S. & ROTHMAN, J. (2012). Third Language Acquisition in Adulthood. In CABRELLI AMARO et al. (eds.). Third Language Acquisition in Adulthood. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
ROTHMAN, J., CABRELLI AMARO, J. & DE BOT, K. (2012). Third Language (L3) Acquisition In Herschensohn, J. and Young-Scholten, M. (eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
GARCÍA MAYO, M. & ROTHMAN, J. (2012). Generative L3: From the Initial Stages and Beyond. In Cabrelli Amaro, J. et al. (eds.). Third Language Acquisition in Adulthood. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
GOODIN-MAYEDA, L., RENAUD, J. & ROTHMAN, J. (2011). Optimality Theoretic L2 re-ranking and the Constraint Fluctuation Hypothesis: coda nasals in the L2 English of L1 Spanish speakers. In Perez-Leroux, A.T. et al. (eds.), Selected Proceedings of GALANA IV (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America) (pp. 66-77 ). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
PIRES, A. & ROTHMAN, J (2010). Building Bridges: Experimental L1 Acquisition meets Diachronic Linguistics. Romance Languages in the Generative Perspective. In Domínguez, L. and Guijarro-Fuentes, P. (eds.) Cambridge Scholar Press, 357-385
ROTHMAN, J. & IVERSON, M (2010). Independent Normative Assessments for Bi/Multilingualism, Where art thou? In Cruz-Ferreira. Multilingual Norms. Frankfurt: Peter Lang 33-51
PIRES, A. & ROTHMAN, J. (2009). Child and adult language acquisition, linguistic theory and (microparametric) variation. In Pires, A. & Rothman, J (eds.). Minimalist Inquiries into Child and Adult Language Acquisition: Case Studies Across Portuguese. Berlin/New York: Mouton DeGruyter 5-33
PIRES, A. & ROTHMAN, J. (2009). Acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese in Late Childhood: Implications for Syntactic Theory and Language Change. In Pires, A. & Rothman, J. (eds.). Minimalist Inquiries into Child and Adult Language Acquisition: Case Studies Across Portuguese. Berlin/New York: Mouton DeGruyter 129-154
Guijarro-Fuentes, P., Judy, T. Rothman, J. (2009) On Transfer, Proficiency and Cross-Individual/ Aggregate SLA Differences: Examining Adjectival Semantics in L2 Spanish. In Bennati, A. (ed.) Issues in Second Language Proficiency. London: Continuum 233-253
JUDY, T., GUIJARRO-FUENTES, P. & ROTHMAN, J. (2008) Adult Accessibility to L2 Representational Features: Evidence from the Spanish DP. In Bowles, M.; Foote, R., Perpiñán, S. & R., Bhatt (eds.) Selected Proceedings of Second Language Research Forum 2007. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. pp. 1-21
IVERSON, M. & ROTHMAN, J. (2008). The Syntax-Semantics Interface in L2 Acquisition: Genericity and Inflected Infinitive Complements in Non-Native Portuguese.. In Bruhn de Garavito, J. and Valenzuela, E. (eds.) Selected Proceedings of the 10th Hispanic Linguistic Symposium. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. pp. 78-92
NIÑO-MURCIA, M. & ROTHMAN, J. (2008). Spanish-Contact bilingualism and identity. In Niño- Murcia, M. & Rothman, J. (eds.) Bilingualism and identity: Spanish at the crossroads with other languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamin pp.11-32
ROTHMAN, J. & M. NIÑO-MURCIA (2008). Multilingualism and Identity: All in the Family. In Niño- Murcia, M. & Rothman, J. (eds.). Bilingualism and identity: Spanish at the crossroads with other languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 301-329
ROTHMAN, J. (2007) Pragmatic Solutions for Syntactic Problems: Understanding Some L2 Syntactic Errors in Terms of Pragmatic Deficits. In Baauw, S., Dirjkoningen, F. & Pinto, M. (eds.) Romance languages and linguistic theory 2005. Amsterdam: John Benjamins pp. 299-320
GOODIN-MAYEDA, C. E. & ROTHMAN, J. (2007) The Acquisition of Aspect in L2 Portuguese & Spanish: Exploring Native/Non-Native Performance Differences. In Baauw, S., Dirjkoningen, F. & Pinto, M. (eds.) Romance languages and linguistic theory 2005. Amsterdam: John Benjamins pp. 131-148
RELL, A. & ROTHMAN, J. (2006). On the Structure and Discourse Usage of Spanglish: A Language that Defines an Identity. In M. Montero (ed.) Identity and Second Language Learning: Culture, Inquiry, and Dialogic Activity in Educational Contexts. Information Age Publishing. pp.235-255
Conference Proceedings, Reviews, and Other
PASCUAL Y CABO, D., LINGWALL, A. & ROTHMAN, J. (2012). Applying the Interface Hypothesis to Heritage Speaker (HS) Acquisition: Evidence from Spanish Mood. In BUCLD 36:Proceedings of the 36th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. (pp. 564-576). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
SLABAKOVA, R., ROTHMAN, J., LEAL MENDEZ, T.; CAMPOS, G. & KEMPCHINSKY, P. (2011). Pragmatic features at the L2 Syntax-Discourse Interface. In BUCLD 35 : Proceedings of the 35th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. (pp. 564-576). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
SANTOS, A., DUARTE, I., PIRES, A. & ROTHMAN, J. (2011). Early Inflected Infinitives and Late V-to-C Movement. In BUCLD 35:Proceedings of the 35th annual Boston University Conference on Language. Development. (pp. 540-552). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press
IVERSON, M. & ROTHMAN, J. (2011). L1 Preemption and L2 Learnability: The Case of Object Drop in Brazilian Portuguese Native Learners of L2 Spanish In BUCLD 35: Proceedings of the 35th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. (pp. 296-307). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
CAMPOS, G. & ROTHMAN, J. (2010). Review of Santos, Ana Lucia (2009). Minimal Answers: Ellipsis, syntax and discourse in the acquisition of European Portuguese. John Benjamins: Amsterdam/Philadelphia. First Language.
PIRES, A., ROTHMAN, J. & SANTOS, A. (2010). Acquisition of inflected and uninflected infinitives in child L1 European Portuguese. In Costa, J. et al. (eds.) Proceedings of GALA (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition) 2009. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press
JUDY, T. & ROTHMAN, J. (2010). From a Superset to a Subset grammar and the Semantic Compensation Hypothesis: Subject Pronoun and Anaphora Resolution Evidence in L2 English. In BUCLD 34: Proceedings of the 34th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press 197-208.
ROTHMAN, J. (2009). Review of Montrul, S. Incomplete Acquisition in Bilingualism: Re- examining the Age Factor. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 31, 4 646-47
ROTHMAN, J. (2009). Review of VanPatten, B. and Williams, J. Theories in Second Language Acquisition: An Introduction, Modern Language Journal, 93
ROTHMAN, J., IVERSON, M., JUDY, T. AND GUIJARRO-FUENTES, P. (2009). Noun-Raising and Adjectival Interpretative Reflexes in the L2 Spanish of Germanic and Italian Learners. In BUCLD 33: Proceedings of the 33rd annual Boston University Conference on Language. Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 444-455.
CUZA, A, GUIJARRO-FUENTES, P., JUDY, T. & ROTHMAN, J. (2008) Adult Feature Acquisition, Interface Vulnerability and the DP in L2 Spanish, GLOW Newsletter 60
CAZZOLI-GOETA, M. A.; ROTHMAN, J. & YOUNG-SCHOLTEN, M. (2008) Cross-disciplinary investigation of heritage language variation GLOW Newsletter 60
CABRELLI J., IVERSON, M., JUDY, T. & ROTHMAN, J. (2008). What the start of L3 tells us about the end of L2: N-drop in L2 and L3 Portuguese. In H. Chan, E. Kapia, H. Jacob (Eds.), A Supplement to the Proceedings of the 32nd Boston University Conference on Language Development available at
IVERSON, M. & ROTHMAN, J. (2008). Adverbial Quantification and Perfective/Imperfective Interpretive Nuances in L2 Portuguese. In Slabakova, R.; Rothman , J.; Kempchinsky, P and Gavruseva, E (eds.) Proceedings of the 9th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition Conference. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 70-80
ROTHMAN, J. (2008). Review Lardiere: Ultimate Attainment in Second Language Acquisition: A Case Study. Modern Language Journal, 92 (2)
ROTHMAN, J. (2007). Review Cruz Ferreira: Three Is a Crowd?: Acquiring Portuguese in a Trilingual Environment. Modern Language Journal, 91 (3) 471-473
ROTHMAN, J. (2006). Review Han: On Fossilization in Adult Second Language Acquisition. Critical Inquiry in Languages Studies, 3 (1) 50-54
ROTHMAN, J. (2006) Review Montrul: The Morphosynactic Acquisition of Spanish. Modern Language Journal, 90 (3) 449-451
RELL, A. & ROTHMAN, J. (2004). Second Language Acquisition, Bilingualism and Identity: An Interview with Merril Swain. Mester. 33, 42-51
ROTHMAN, J & A. RELL (2004). The Brain and Language Acquisition: Why Knowing How Our Students Process Information Helps Us to Be Better Teachers. Proceedings from the Hawaiian International Conference on Humanities.
ROTHMAN, J. (2004) Review Granger: On Silence in Second Language Learning. Critical Inquiry in Languages Studies, 1(4) 243-246