Bronson Speedway

2013 Street Stock Rules


1. Any 1970 or newer American made car with a minimum factory wheel base of 101" as factory listed for year, make and model. 1" tolerance.

2. No trucks, station wagons, convertibles or front wheel drives.

Car Weight:

1. Minimum weight with original driver for leaf spring cars is 3300 lbs. and a maximum 52% left side weight.

2. Minimum weight with original driver for coil spring cars is 3150 lbs. and a maximum 55% left side weight.

3. All lead or ballast must be painted white with the car number on it and attached with 1 1/2 " bolt per 50 lbs.


1. Stock appearing body only. Body panels may be replaced with either steel or aluminum, but must retain stock appearance.

2. Must retain stock roof with stock "A" and "B" post.

3. Must retain stock firewall and floor pans.

4. May remove floor pan and firewall from behind driver's seat but must be enclosed with 22 gauge steel.

5. All holes in driver's compartment must be sealed.

6. Body mounts may be removed.

7. All cars must have clear lexan windshield with 4" white numbers and class identification in the top right corner.

8. Maximum 6" spoiler no wider than the width of the car.

9. Hood, roof and trunk may be gutted.

10. Hood must have three (3) hood pins in the front and two (2) hood pins in the rear.

11. Rear deck lid must have a minimum of 2 pins AND 2 hinges.

12. Rub rails okay.

13. No hood scoops or cowl induction except non-functional with no holes in hoods.

14. Pipe bumpers okay. Maximum 1 � O.D. .095 wall pipe.

Chassis and Suspension:

1. Must be stock for year, make and model.

2. All suspension and components must remain in stock location.

3. "A" frame bolts may be changed but may not exceed 3? in length.

4. Any spring allowed but must remain in stock location.

5. May use any buckets for front springs but cannot be adjustable.

6. Leaf spring car may use any size lowering block.

7. No adjustable lowering blocks.

8. Leaf spring cars may use shackles.

9. Coil spring cars may use adjustable buckets in rear only.

10. Uni-bodies may be tied together from the back of the front stub to the rear stub only.

11. Frames can be fabricated back to original factory specs if damaged. Must be approved by tech.

12. Cars may be under slung.

13. No Composite leaf springs.

14. $50 claimer per shock and must be able to forfeit own shocks.

15. 5? ride height for frame and body.

16. Upper & Lower control arm bushing may be replaced with polyurethane & steel. No offset bushings.

17. Coil spring cars may run adjustable top trailing arms. No heims. No slotted holes.

18. May run tubular stock replacement upper control arm. May only be �" longer for LF and �" shorter on the RF. No aluminum cross shafts. No altering of stock A-frames. Any A-frame welded on or altered will be deemed illegal. No slotted or slugged cross shafts.


1. Must be same manufacturer as car and in stock location.

2. Maximum cubic inch for GM is 350ci, Ford 351ci and Mopar 360ci.

3. Maximum over-bore is .060

4. Four bolt main OK. No splayed caps.

5. May zero deck block.

6. Solid motor mounts okay. No engine plates.

7. Any harmonic balancer. No aluminum hubs.

8. No porting, polishing, grinding or painting of any engine components unless stated otherwise.


1. Stock open chamber cylinder head with a minimum of 72 cc's on 350 C.I.

2. Stock cylinder head with a minimum of 56 cc's on Ford engines.

3. 305 head on 305 C.I. engines only.

4. May clean up oil return holes only in block and cylinder heads.

5. Screw in studs & guide plates okay.

6. Three (3) angle valve job okay. Final cut no more than 75� and no deeper than � ".

7. .030 over rebuilder valve okay.

8. Stainless steel valves okay.

9. No cut back, tulip or neck down valves. Stock length valves only.

10. Aftermarket valve springs okay. Maximum 1.270? O.D.

11. Stock diameter valve for head used . NO 2.02 or 1.60 for GM.

12. Stock diameter push rods only. Any length OK.


1. Hydraulic Only

2. GM maximum .450 with 1.5 rockers w/.003 tolerance.

3. Ford maximum .480 with 1.6 rockers w/.003 tolerance.

4. Mopar maximum .480 with 1.5 rockers w/.003 tolerance.

5. No roller cams.

6. Long slot rockers okay.

7. Stamp steel rockers only.


1. Any 3 ring four (4) eyebrow cast or forged flat top pistons for 350ci.

2. Floating pins okay.

3. No fly cutting.


1. Aftermarket OEM length rods okay. May be bushed.

2. Rod bolts builder's choice.

3. Grinding on rods for balancing may only take place on top or bottom of rod only. No polishing Rod beams!


1. Cast crank 48lb minimum.

2. Steel crank 50 lbs. minimum.

3. OEM replacement crankshaft okay.

4. May balance crankshaft.

5. No knife edge cranks.

6. No polishing of throws on crankshaft.

7. Balancing on bottom of counter weight only. May grind on counter weight to balance only. No changing profile of the counter weight.


$150 claimer on carburetor

1. Must run 4412 carburetor (500CFM).

2. May change jets and remove choke butterflies and shaft.

3. 4412 may change jets, squirters and power valve.

4. May use any adapter for 4412 (maximum size 1.25? including gasket).

5. No carburetor spacers.

6. $150 claimer on carburetor and must forfeit own carburetor.


1. May run OEM stock or Edelbrock 2101 intake.

2. No bowties, hi-rise or marine intakes.

3. No porting, polishing, painting, or grinding.


1. 12 volt battery fired ignition only.

2. OEM style distributor only.

3. No high performance ignition modules or coils. Stock appearing modules only.

4. Alternators okay.

Misc. Engine:

1. Oil pan (builders choice).

2. Pulleys (builders choice).

3. Valve covers (builders choice).

4. Stock water pump. Any radiator. Electric fans okay.

5. OEM fuel pump or replacement.

6. No glass or plastic fuel filters.


1. OEM Automatic transmission only with all working gears and working torque converter.

2. 10? minimum diameter converter.

3. 3 or 4 speed manual transmission with all working gears.

4. May use hydraulic clutch and pedal assembly.

5. No 5 or 6 speed transmissions.

6. 10? minimum diameter clutch and pressure plate.

7. Any 10? clutch disc. No aluminum.

8. OEM stock flywheel 14 lbs. minimum.

Rear end:

1. Must be OEM for year, make and model of car

2. May be locked.

3. No limited slip, full spool, aluminum or lockers of any type.


1. All 4 brakes must work at all times.

2. Stock pedal and master cylinder.

3. May remove factory proportioning valve.

4. May use factory rear disc brakes. Must add 100 lbs.

5. No aftermarket brake bias or shut off devices.


1. OEM cast iron manifold with 2? maximum outlet, or down under chassis header with a maximum 3? outlet, and maximum 1 5/8? primary tube. No step headers.

2. Exhaust pipe must exit behind the driver and no larger than 3? all the way.

3. Must have mufflers.

Wheels and Tires:

1. Maximum 8? steel wheels only. Any offset.

2. Minimum 7/16? studs with 1? lug nuts on all four (4) wheels.

3. Must run track tire.

4. No soaking of tires.

5. No chemical treatment of tires.


1. Maximum of 22 gallon fuel cell mandatory. Cutting the trunk for the fuel cell is permitted.

2. Fuel Cell must be 22 gauge steel and must have fuel cell protection bar.

3. No fuel additives.

Remember, if this rule book does not specifically address an issue, it must be considered illegal.

A printable version of these rules is available HERE.

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