Text-based resources
Prepared July 2002
Reports: Transportation
Title: A Blueprint for ISTEA Reauthorization: A Common Sense Guide to Transportation Priorities for the 21st Century
Author: Roy Kienitz and Bianca DeLille
Date: 1997
Commissioned by:
Keywords: transportation
Title: Comprehensive Beautification and Civic Design Program: Report #1: Transportation Corridors
Author: City Beautification Board
Date: October 1996
Commissioned by: The City Commission
Keywords: transportation, traffic calming, streetscape, Alachua County
Title: Corridors to Campus: An Evaluation of the Area Surrounding the University of Florida Campus
Author: Ruth L. Steiner, Ph. D. and Helena Atalla of the University of Florida
Date: September 1997
Commissioned by: The Florida Department of Transportation, State Safety Office and The City of Gainesville
Keywords: transportation, bicycles, Alachua County, University of Florida
Title: Florida Highway Landscape Guide
Date: April 14, 1995
Commissioned by: Florida Department of Transportation Environmental Management Office
Keywords: transportation, streetscape, roads
Title: Florida Scenic Highways Program
Author: Department of Transportation
Commissioned by:
Keywords: transportation, streetscape
Title: Gateway Corridor Design Workshop for the City of Gainesville
Author: Buford Davis and Associates
Date: November 2, 1998
Commissioned by: The City Beautification Board
Keywords: transportation, streetscape, Alachua County
Title: Landscape Plan: South Main Street (SR 329) Medians and SW 16th Avenue (SR 226) to Williston Road
Author: Noel R. Lake
Commissioned by:
Keywords: transportation, streetscape, Alachua County
Title: NW 17th Street Streetscape Project Conceptual Design Project
Author: Brown and Cullen Inc., Civil Engineers and Land Planners
Date: July 12, 2000
Commissioned by: The City of Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency
Keywords: streetscape, transportation, roads, Alachua County
Title: Pedestrian and Transit-Friendly Design
Author: Reid Ewing: Joint Center for Environmental and Urban Problems
Florida Atlantic University/ Florida International University
Date: March 1996
Commissioned by: Public Transit Office, Florida Department of Transportation
Keywords: transportation, roads, traffic calming
Title: The South Pointe Streetscape Charrette and Post Charrette Proposals for the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency
Author: Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Architects Inc.
Date: January 1995
Commissioned by: The City of Miami Beach
Keywords: streetscape, roads, transportation, Miami Beach
Title: Waldo Road (SR 24) and 39th Avenue (SR 232) Beautification Project
Author: Buford Davis and Associates
Date: August 28, 1997
Commissioned by: Florida Department of Transportation Highway Beautification Grant
Keywords: transportation, streetscape, Alachua County
Reports: Parking
Title: City of Gainesville Parking Garage
Author: Wilbur Smith Associates
The Corradino Group
Skinner Vignola McLean
Date: July 2001
Commissioned by:
Keywords: transportation, parking, downtown, Alachua County
Title: Downtown Gainesville On-Street Parking Study
Author: Buckholz Traffic
Date: April 1997
Commissioned by: The City of Gainesville
Keywords: transportation, parking, downtown, Alachua County
Title: Downtown Parking Study
Author: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Date: 1998
Commissioned by: The City of Gainesville
Keywords: transportation, parking, downtown, Alachua County
Reports: New Urbanism
Title: Town of Tioga Alachua County, Florida
Author: Orjan Wetterqvist
Commissioned by: Dibros Corporation
Keywords: new urbanism, Alachua County
Title: Seaside
Commissioned by:
Keywords: new urbanism
Reports: University of Florida
Title: Comprehensive Masterplan: University of Florida
Author: Board of Regents Office of Capital Programs
University of Florida Facilities Planning and Construction
Sasaki Associates, Inc.
Post, Buckley, Schuh, and Jernigan, Inc.
Date: June 30, 2001
Commissioned by: University of Florida
Keywords: University of Florida, transportation, housing, Alachua County
Title: University of Florida Cultural Plaza Master Plan: Phase 1 Construction Options
Author: Buford Davis and Associates
Date: November 26, 2001
Commissioned by: University of Florida
Keywords: University of Florida, Parking, Alachua County
Title: University of Florida Historic Courtyards Charrette
Author: Kim Tanzer, Peggy Carr, Bob Grist, Tina Gurucharri, College of Design, Construction and Planning, University of Florida
Date: January 23-25, 2002
Commissioned by: University of Florida
Keywords: University of Florida, Alachua County
Reports: Redevelopment
Title: Campus East: Neighborhood Redevelopment Study
Author: Professor Orjan Wetterqvist, Urban Design Studio, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, College of Architecture, University of Florida, Gainesville
Date: Spring- Summer 1995
Commissioned by:
Keywords: redevelopment, Alachua County
Title: Downtown Gainesville Redevelopment Plan
Author: Ivey, Harris, and Walls, Inc.
Date: August 2001
Commissioned by:
Keywords: downtown, redevelopment, Alachua County
Title: East Gainesville Redevelopment Plan
Commissioned by:
Keywords: redevelopment, Alachua County
Title: Plan East Gainesville
Author: Renaissance Planning Group
EMS Scientists, Engineers, and Planners, Inc.
Herbert Halback, Inc.
CJ Sweeney and Associates Inc.
Will Scott and Associates
Date: September 6, 2001
Commissioned by: Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization for the Gainesville Urbanized Area
Keywords: downtown, Alachua County, redevelopment
Title: Pleasant Street/ Fifth Avenue Community Redevelopment Area: A Feasibility Study for the Revitalization a Historic Community
Date: October 15, 2001
Commissioned by: City of Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency
Keywords: redevelopment, Alachua County
Title: Vision East Gainesville
Author: Gainesville Enterprise Zone Development Agency
Commissioned by:
Keywords: redevelopment, Alachua County
Design Guidelines
Title: 1989 UCSD Long Range Development Plan
Date: printed from internet May 1, 2002
Commissioned by: University of California, San Diego
Pages: 6, variously numbered
Title: Campus Lighting Strategy and Campus Lighting Strategy Amendment
Date: Fall 1996, amended August 1999
Commissioned by: University of Iowa
Pages: 3-54; i-xiii; 1-8; 1-2
Title: Campus Master Plan 2002
Date: printed from internet May 1, 2002
Commissioned by: university of Missouri
Pages: 2
Title: Campus Master Plan: Executive Summary; Planning Principles and Premises for Physical Development; Topics, Open Space
Date: Printed from internet May 1, 2002
Commissioned by: University of Vermont
Pages: 59, variously numbered
Title: "Campus Outdoor Spaces" in People Places. Design Guidelines for Urban Open Space. Clare Cooper Marcus and Carolyn Francis, Editors
Author: Clare Cooper Marcus, with Trudy Wischerman
Commissioned by: Departments of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of California, Berkeley
Pages: 143-170
Title: The Campus Planning Group: Existing Conditions; Plan Components; Vehicular Circulation; Landscape Issues; Conclusion; Planning Issues; Pedestrian Circulation System; Open Space System; Waugh Arboretum; Vehicular Circulation and Parking; Infill Development Patterns; Strategic Recommendations; Appendix One: Transportation
Date: Printed from internet May 1, 2002
Commissioned by: University of Massachusetts
Pages: 51, variously numbered
Title: A Legacy and A Promise: Principles for Physical Planning at UBC
Date: printed from internet May 1, 2002
Commissioned by: University of British Columbia
Pages: 21, variously numbered
Title: Master Plan
Date: printed from internet May 1, 2002
Commissioned by: Lewis & Clark College
Pages: 11, variously numbered
Title: Philosophy & Approach; Projects
Author: Van Yahres Associates
Date: printed from internet May 1, 2002, copyright 2000
Commissioned by:
Pages: 22, variously numbered
Title: Sesquicentennial Campus Planning Framework
Date: Printed from internet May 1, 2002
Commissioned by: University of Iowa
Pages: 1-11
Title: Southwest Campus Master Plan
Author: Professor Kim Tanzer and ARC Studio 417
Date: Summer 1998
Commissioned by: University of Florida College of Architecture
Pages: 20, unpaginated
Title: Town of Tioga, Alachua County, Florida
Author: Orjan Wetterqvist
Date: 1995
Commissioned by: Dibros Corporation
Pages: 9
Title: University of Oregon's Campus Planning Processes (commonly referred to as the Oregon Experiment)
Author: Christopher Alexander of The Center for Environmental Structure in Berkeley California
Date: printed from internet May 1, 2002
Commissioned by: University of Oregon
Pages: 2
Title: University Planning Office
Date: printed from internet May 1, 2002
Commissioned by: The University of Southern Mississippi
Pages: 5, variously numbered
Title: Ybor City Design Guidelines: a Guide to Rehabilitation and New Construction in the Ybor City Historic District
Author: Bario Latino Commission
Date: October 1986
Commissioned by:
Keywords: design guidelines, Tampa, Rehabilitation, landscape
Reports: Other Locations
Title: Citizens' Planning Committee Report
Author: Citizens' Planning Committee
Date: January 19, 1995
Commissioned by: Austin City Council
Keywords: Austin
Title: From Chaos to Common Ground
Author: The Citizens' Planning Committee
Date: April 1996
Commissioned by: Austin City Council
Keywords: Austin
Title: Sustainable Communities Initiative
Author: Roger Duncan
Commissioned by:
Keywords: sustainability, Austin
Reports: Miscellaneous
Title: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design: General Guidelines for Designing Safer Communities
Date: January 20, 2000
Commissioned by: City of Virginia Beach
Keywords: Virginia, landscaping
Title: "Dillard's gives way to Loft Apartments" Florida Real Estate Journal
Author: Jane Bokun
Date: August 16-31, 2001
Commissioned by:
Keywords: Orlando, urban lifestyle
Title: The Economics of Real Estate and Private Property Rights
Author: Donovan D. Rypkema
Commissioned by:
Keywords: North Carolina
Title: Sweetwater Park Project
Author: Mark V. Barrow, M.D., Ph.D.
Commissioned by:
Keywords: landscape, roads
Title: Urban Design Handbook
Author: Urban Development Services
Date: September 1997
Commissioned by:
Keywords: streets, parking, pedestrians