Jodian A. Griffiths
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¤    4000 SW 37th Blvd, Apt 111C     ¤    Gainesville FL 32608     ¤    ¤


OBJECTIVE: A health education student seeking a position that will utilize my health knowledge and professionalism, as well as allow me to gain valuable experience in the health field.

Bachelor of Science in Health Education, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL     Anticipated May 2009
  • Specialization: Community Health Education
Study Abroad, Paris France                                                                                     May 2008-July 2008
  • Enhanced French language skills and learned about French culture

Student Assistant, Student Judicial Affairs, University of Florida                              August 2006-Present
  • Aided the Assistant Dean of Students, Assistant Director, and Graduate Assistants of Judicial Affairs in day-to-day operation and organization of the department
  • Completed Dean Certifications for graduate school and study abroad programs
  • Trained second student assistant in Judicial Affairs procedures
First Year Florida Peer Leader, University of Florida                                            August 2006-August 2007
  • Assisted approximately 25 students in achieving the outcomes of the First Year Florida course
  • Served as peer advisor, resource, role model, and representative for the University of Florida
Resident Assistant, Jennings Hall, University of Florida                                         June 2006, 2007-August 2006, 2007
  • Informed approximately 50 campus residents about on-campus resources and student life
  • Created and implemented hall-wide programs and activities in a team of approximately 16 other resident assistants

Caribbean Student Association, University of Florida                                          August 2005-Present
Vice President                                                                                                      August 2008-Present
  • Supervised 12 cabinet members and committees
  • Collaborated with President on organizational decisions
Secretary                                                                                                             August 2007-May 2008
  • Maintained official organization records
  • Handled organization correspondence
  • Coordinated end of year banquet for approximately 30 attendees

Student Ambassador of Ethics and Civility, University of Florida                      November 2007-Present
  • Promoted ethical behavior
  • Educated the student body about their rights and responsibilities as members of the University of Florida community
  • Helped to plan, advertise, and participate in Ethics and Civility Week during Spring semester
  • Assisted the Office of Judicial Affairs with various outreach initiatives   

Previously Taken: Community and Environmental Health, Drug Education, Writing in the Health Professions, Interpersonal Communication                                                                                                                     
Currently Registered: Emotional Health and Counseling, Human Sexuality Education, Nutrition Education for Special Populations

Computer: Microsoft Office, Publisher
Language: Intermediate in French, Public Speaking

Resume in Word Format
Resume in PDF Format


Contact Information:

4000 SW 37th Boulevard
Gainesville, FL 32608
(561) 712-4526

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Updated: November 16, 2008