Jodian A. Griffiths
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Instructional Material Report



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Unconscious person: still breathing




British Red Cross

Year of Publication


Target Audience


Suggested Setting


Length/Size (minute/page)

34 seconds

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Information updated

November 2, 2008


Jodian Griffiths




Made by the British Red Cross, this video targets individuals, more without than with a medical background, looking to learn more about first aid. In this video, a demonstration of what to do in the event someone is unconscious yet still breathing. The person administering the first aid kneels beside the unconscious person (the victim) who is lying flat on their back. The victim’s hand nearest the other person should then be placed at a right angle to the victim’s body. Their furthest arm from the person administering first aid should be brought across the unconscious person’s chest and then pull the victim’s furthest knee towards the first aid giver so as to roll the victim on their side. The next thing to do is to tilt the victim’s head back so that they can breathe, and then call for professional medical help and monitor the victim during the wait.

Critical Comments



Potential audience. The most likely audience intended for this video is non-medical personnel with a desire to aid individuals in distress, for example in a first aid class. This resource can however be used by a broad variety of audiences including high school and college students, or offices as a part of a worksite health promotion.

Life. The resource will last for a very long time due to the fact that the content will always be relevant. Interest will always be there on this content as this is something that can happen to anyone at anytime.

Known. The source of this video is the British division of a very well known non-profit humanitarian organization with decades of experience in helping people in need.

Purpose. The purpose of the video is to educate the audience as to how to properly position an unconscious person until medical help arrives.

Depth. This video has given the best knowledge suitable for non-medical personnel for the length of the video.

Reliability. The video can be viewed as trustworthy because the clip sites the British Red Cross which is a reliable source of first aid information.

Efficient. The content is worth the effort as this is something that can affect anyone, it is not catering to a specific type of person, and it can affect all people. The language and maturity level was suitable to relay information to the intended audience in a timely manner.

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4000 SW 37th Boulevard
Gainesville, FL 32608
(561) 712-4526

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Updated: November 16, 2008