Construction Professional
Site Engineer/Estimator
CSHK Dubai Contracting LLC., China State Construction International Holdings Limited (Hong Kong, SEHK:3311)
2008 - 2010, XL and Business Tower Project, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Site Engineer
- Was in charge of the coordination for job-site inspections, and supervised the correction job for the non-conformance work if necessary.
- Examined job-site construction progress, quality and safety hazards, and issued corresponding management documents for the problems identified.
- Superintended the attendance and productivity of subcontractors’ workforce.
- Developed raw contractual claim arguments by managing claim history files, identifying potential claim events and collecting probative evidences for claim events.
- Controlled documents related to potential claim entitlements and contract variations.
- Prepared settlement of the progress payment to subcontractors and coordinated with them.
Research Assistant
Center for Advance Construction Information Modeling, M.E., Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction, University of Florida
2010 - 2014, Gainesville, Florida, United States
- Researched on the techniques of ontological engineering and Natural Language Processing, and explored their applicability in the area of semantic interpretation in texts for assisting construction claim analysis.
- Studied the application and development of .NET API programming for BIM software (Revit/Navisworks) for solving particular problems in construction process.
- Participated in NSF funded project of "Enhancing spatial and temporal cognitive ability in
construction education through Augmented Reality".
Teaching Assistant
M.E., Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction, University of Florida
2012 - 2014, Gainesville, Florida, United States
- BCN 6787, Construction Information System (Advanced BIM Software), 2 semester, 40 graduate students per semester.
- BCN 4905C/BCN 5905C, Design-Build Delivery Method, 2 semester, 20 undergraduate and graduate students total.
- BCN 4709C/BCN 5705C, Construction Project Management, 2 semester, 45 undergraduate and graduate students total.
- Answered students' questions, graded assignments, projects and exams.
Assistant Coach
BIM Team for Associated Schools of Construction Management Reno Competition, Univerisity of Florida
2012, Gainesville, Florida, United States
- Helped learning BIM software, analyzing and developing coaching plans.
Deputy Instructor
Continuing Education School, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology
2006 - 2007, Xi'an, China
- Construction Contract Administration, 2 semesters, 50 students for associate degree per semester.
- Took full responsibility for all aspects of course development, instruction, and assessment.
Autodesk Revit, Navisworks, BIM 360 Glue, VICO, AutoCAD
Primavera P6, Microsoft Project
Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6, Photoshop CS3
ArcGIS, Protege, GATE Developer
Microsoft .NET Revit/Navisworks API
Java, C#
Eclipse, Visual Studio
Oracle SQL
English, Mandarin, Cantonese