Photoshop & Images
If you have a great photo you would like to show your viewers, feel free to show as much as you want. Just remember though, you must keep the file's size low so that it loads quickly on the page. If an image takes too long to load, your audience will quickly lose patience regardless of how attractive the picture may be. Try to keep the pictures under 30K while imposing a 60K limit for your entire page.

When editing any pictures in Photoshop, remember to save the original in the optimum setting and keep it separate from the rest of your work. You don't want to alter the original and then not be able to change things in the future.

Thumbnails give your viewer more control over your site's images. Just because you feel the picture is a good view does not mean they will also. Give them a short tease and let them decide what they want to explore further, rather than just bombarding them with large images they may want to ignore.

Some photo gallery examples on the web:

David Hume Kennerly: The Presidents

The pulitzer prize winner and former personal photographer for President Gerald Ford showcases a gallery of Commander in Chiefs from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush.

The Smithsonian: Carlton Ward, Jr.
The environmental photo gallery from the Clearwater, FL native utilizes thumbnails along with separate navigation controls for each picture.

The Washington Post: Faces of the Fallen

While the photographs themselves are not particularly large and detailed, the gallery incorporates excellent thumbnail packaging, as well as unit/date specific tabs that are easy to navigate through.
©2004 Joey Machado
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