Interactive Maps
  • Interactive maps are effective when attempting to convey information through images more so than simple text.
  • Alt tags can be used to allow the viewer to see what is loading on the page.

    There are two types of image maps:

    Client Side Image Map
    This type of map functions by storing images on the user's computer; they may, however, not function with some older computers

    Server Side Image Map
    In this case, the image map is located on the web server, thus necessitating CGI scripts and definition/information files for web servers, which the map is dependent on.

    Some examples of image maps include:

    Star Wars Interactive Map of the Galaxy:
    Fictional, yes, but extensive and a wonderful series of interchangeable graphics.

    Lord of the Rings- Interactive Map of Middle Earth:
    From the official site of Tolkien, this map includes tidbits of information regarding characters, journeys, and the histories of each location.
©2004 Joey Machado
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