Navigation Systems
  • Your site ID or some kind of specific image/logo should appear on every different site. This is another measure to keep your viewer from becoming lost too easily.
  • Always give your audience a way to go back home. Don't always assume that your viewer will navigate through your page in the linear order you see fit. Give them a way to get back to the beginning whenever they feel like going home. After all, there's no place like it.
  • Consistent design and navigation can mask even poorly constructed sites. Chances are, your reader is not thinking of design principles right off the bat, and if your page is at least consistent, even the ugliest of sites can be viewed with relative ease.
  • Whether they click on internal links or something as simple as your home page, your audience should always know exactly where they are. If you cannot answer this question yourself on a given page, chances are your viewers cannot either.
  • Simple is not always a bad thing. If your site is too complex and confuses the audience, you can probably bet they will not be coming back anytime soon.
©2004 Joey Machado
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