John John

Hey everybody! I'm John, and this is my autobiography. In a few words, I am an awesome, laid-back, usually cheery, fun-loving, devoted, musical, strange, tall, spontaneous, motivated, Yoo-Hoo-loving guy. I want to be a Blue Man, a physicist, or something that pays well. I was born in 1347 A.D., am 660 years old and am a sophomore in college. Many people confuse me with John Mayer, the pop singer, however I have not stooped that low on society's ladder. I am in fact a decent, law-abiding citizen who would never lie, cheat, con or steal from anyone without letting them knowing afterwards that I did just so. I have a mom, a dad, a brother, and a cute puppy. I also have a hammock that I use whenever I get the chance. If you see me in it asleep, please don't tip me. Or I will be forced to do things I cannot describe on the internet.

My puppy, Dakota.

My hammock not being used by me.

I began my musical endeavor at the age of four, taking piano lessons from my mom, a professional pianist and theory teacher. My dad, keeping with the musical trait of my family, tried to get me to follow in his percussion footsteps, to no avail. But then at the age of eight, I discovered the saxophone - and jazz. I made the Florida All State Concert Band on Alto Sax when I was in eighth grade, and the Florida All State Jazz Band on the Bari Sax when I was a senior in high school. During the summer of 2002, I went on a three week tour of Europe, performing with a concert band in numerous countries. After my first year of marching band as a freshman in high school, I was selected to be drum major, which continued for the next three years. I currently am a member of the Pride of the Sunshine Fightin' Gator Marching Band, the top Jazz Band, and a saxophone quartet. I can play circles around all you posers.

UF Band UF gator UF marching

This page is a dedication to the chaos, amusement and randomnessticitivity © that jointly constitute John's life. Should you come across anything offensive or verbally belligerent in content or implication, be informed that it is not directed solely at you. If this disclaimer alone is enough to scare you, exiting the window in a timely manner is probably the preferred action for you. Enjoy!
