A Day on the River: Kayaking in north central Florida

Santa Fe River

Photo of the Santa Fe River
Birds fly over the Santa Fe River at a launch site in High Springs, Fla.

Lars Anderson, owner of Adventure Outpost, said the Santa Fe River is unique because of the various springs along the river. He recommends taking a break on your kayaking adventure during the summer by taking a dip in the springs along your journey.

The last time I traveled on the Santa Fe River, I was floating in a tube. I meandered down the waterway for four hours, providing me plenty of time to take in the sights. While this mode of travel is definitely different from kayaking (most of my body was submerged in water the whole time), I think it still has the same peaceful and calming feel of kayaking.

One of the best parts of kayaking is taking your time. You get to flow with the river and really enjoy your surroundings. Lars also pointed out that because kayaking is so quiet, you don't disturb the wildlife, which means more chances for viewing and photos.

For more information, visit the paddling guide website.