Select Publications



James DCS.  Nutrition Education: A Multicultural Perspective.  Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins (in progress; publication 2007).

James, DCS (Editor-at-Large).  Nutrition and Well-Being: A-Z. 2 vols.  New York: Macmillan Reference: Gale.  2004.  654 pages.

James DCS.  Keepers of the Temple: A Spiritually Based Health and Wellness Curriculum. Florida Department of Health, 2001 (140 pp).

Books, Co-authored

James DCS, Rienzo BA, Frazee C. Teacher’s Guide: HIGH FIVE: A Nutrition Promotion Program for High School Youth.  
, FL
: Florida Department of Education, 1996. 72 pages.

Books, Contributor of Chapter(s)

James D. Wellness and Nutrition.  In Christie, C. & Mitchell, S. (Eds.), The Florida Dietetic Association Handbook of Medical Nutrition
 Therapy: The Florida Diet Manual 2000 Edition
. Florida Dietetic Association, 2000, pp. A5.1-A5.8

James D. Physical fitness and athletic performance. In In Christie, C. & Mitchell, S. (Ed.), The Florida Dietetic Association
Handbook of Medical Nutrition Therapy: The Florida Diet Manual 2000 Edition
. Florida Dietetic Association, 2000, pp. A6.1-A6.12.

Technical Reports

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE Final Evaluation Report.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (42 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Universities.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Community Colleges.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for University of Florida.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for University of Miami.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Florida State University.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Florida International University.  Division of Tobacco Awareness
and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for University of Florida.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Florida A& M University.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for University of Central Florida.  Division of Tobacco Awareness
and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Florida Gulf Coast University.  Division of Tobacco Awareness
and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Central Florida Community College.  Division of Tobacco
Awareness and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Indian River Community College.  Division of Tobacco
Awareness and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Miami-Dade Community College.  Division of Tobacco
Awareness and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

 Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Pasco Hernando Community College.  Division of Tobacco
 Awareness and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2003. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE Final Evaluation Report.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health.  2002 (42 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for University of Florida.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for University of Miami.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Florida State University.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Florida International University.  Division of Tobacco Awareness
and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for University of Florida.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Florida A& M University.  Division of Tobacco Awareness and
Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for University of Central Florida.  Division of Tobacco Awareness
and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Florida Gulf Coast University.  Division of Tobacco Awareness
and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Central Florida Community College.  Division of Tobacco
Awareness and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Indian River Community College.  Division of Tobacco
Awareness and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Miami-Dade Community College.  Division of Tobacco
Awareness and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Pasco Hernando Community College.  Division of Tobacco
Awareness and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

Chen WW, James DCS, Sheu JJ.  Florida College Advocacy Initiative/STRIKE for Pensacola Junior  College.  Division of Tobacco  Awareness
and Health, Florida Department of Health and Triangle Research Institute, Inc.  2002. (9 pages).

 Referred Articles

James DCS, Chen WW, Sheu JJ.  Type of Tobacco Product Used: Are there Differences between University and Community
College Students?  Journal of American College Health (in press).

James DCS, Bonds JR.  Obesity Status and Body Satisfaction: Are There Differences Between African American College Females at Black
and White Universities?  The Health Educator.  2006; 38(1), 1-8.

James DCS, Chen W W, Sheu, JJ.   Comparison of Three Tobacco Survey Methods with College Students: A Case Study.  International Electronic
Journal of Health Education
. 2005; 8, 119-124.

James DCS, Dobson B.  American Dietetic Association’s  Position Paper: Promoting and Supporting Breastfeeding.  Journal of the American
Dietetic Association
, 2005: 105(5), 810-818.

Barr E, Rienzo B, Pigg RM, James DCS.  Exceptional Students and Sexuality Education: Teachers’ Beliefs, Professional Preparation, and Practices.
Journal of School Health.  2005; 75(3), 99-104.

James DCS.  Factors Influencing Dietary Intake Among African Americans:  Application of A Culturally Sensitive Model.  Ethnicity and Health,
2004; 9(4), 349-368.

James DCS.  Gender Differences in Weight Perception, Body Satisfaction, and Obesity Status
Among African Americans.  Health Educator, 2004; 36(2), 1-7.

DCS,  Chen WW, Lindsey R.  Evaluation of a Tobacco Prevention Curriculum for Elementary School Children.  The Health Educator, 2003; 35(1),

Adams, TLA, James DCS.  Teachers speak: promoting curriculum integration with success,  Florida Educational Leadership, 2003; Fall, 44-48. 

James DCS.  Gender Differences in BMI and Weight Loss Strategies Among African Americans.   Journal of the American Dietetic
2003; 103(10),1360-1362.

James DCS, Chen WW.  A Population-Based Hepatitis B Vaccination Coverage Survey Among Asian and Pacific Islander American  Students 
in Alachua County, Florida.  Journal of Asian and Pacific Islander Health, Summer-Autumn 9(2).  2001; 188-194.

Misra R, James DCS. Factors associated with breastfeeding duration and initiation in Missouri.  Journal of the American Dietetic
. 2000;100(9):1071-1073.

Brey R, James DCS.  Perception of Alcoholism: The Impact of personal characteristics.  Journal of School Health. 1999; 69(4):165166. 

Seccombe K, Walters KB, James DCS.  “Welfare mothers”  welcome reform, urge compassion.  Family Relations April 1999, v.48, 2, 197-206.

James DCS.  Improving the diets of African-Americans: Challenges and opportunities.  The Eta Sigma Gamma: Monograph Series.  1998; Fall: 29-37.

James DCS, Adams T.L. Curriculum integration in nutrition and mathematics. Journal of School Health, 1998; 68(1): 3-11.

James DCS.  Educational diagnosis of the nutritional needs of African-Americans.  The Eta Sigma Gamma: Monograph Series. 1998; Spring:11-16.


James DCS.  Revving up prevention efforts: Mobilizing community groups for change.   Tobacco Control Research Digest.  1999; July (3)1-16. 
, FL: Florida Tobacco Control Clearinghouse.

James DCS.  Youth Development Programs for Tobacco Use Prevention.   Tobacco Control Best Practices.  1999; July (1)1-27.  Tallahassee, FL:
Tobacco Control Clearinghouse.

James DCS.  Overcoming barriers: Racial and ethnic Issues in the war against tobacco.   Tobacco Control Research Digest.  1999; May (1)1-20.  Tallahassee, FL: Florida Tobacco Control Clearinghouse.

Encyclopedia Entries

James DCS.
  Diets of South Americans. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan
Publishers. (In press).

James DCS.  Diets of Northern Europeans. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers. (In press).

James DCS.  Diets of Scandinavians. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan
Publishers. (In press).

James DCS.  Diets of Pacific Islanders. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan
Publishers. (In press).

James DCS.  Arteriosclerosis. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers.
(In press).

James DCS.  Anthropometric Measurements. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York:
Macmillan Publishers. (In press).

James DCS.  Quackery. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers.
(In press).

James DCS.  Macrobiotic Diet. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers.
(In press).

James DCS.  Healthy Eating Index.  In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan
Publishers. (In press).

James DCS.  Health. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers. (In press).

James DCS.  Health Education. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers.
(In press).

James DCS.  Health Promotion. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers.
 (In press).

James DCS.  Health Communication. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan
Publishers. (In press).

James DCS.  Breastfeeding.  In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers.
(In press).

James DCS.  Ray Kroc.  In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers.
(In press).

James DCS.  John Pemberton.  In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers.
(In press).

James DCS.  Cultural Competence.  In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan
Publishers. (In press).

James DCS.  Emergency Nutrition Network.  In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York:
Macmillan Publishers. (In press).

James DCS.  Food Aid for Development.  In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers.  (In press).

James DCS.  Mastitis. In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers. 
(In press).

James DCS.  Refugee Nutrition Information System.  In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers. (In press).

James DCS.  Global Database on Nutrition Policies and Programmes.  In D.C.S. James, C. Christie & R. Misra (Eds.), Guide to World Nutrition and
Health. New York: Macmillan Publishers. (In press).



                        Delores C.S. James, Ph.D., R.D., L.D., FASHA
                                  Associate Professor
                                Department of Health Education and Behavior
                              College of Health and Human Performance
                               PO Box 11820
                               University of Florida
                             Gainesville, Florida 32611
                                        Office/Telephone:10 FLG (352) 392-0583 ext. 1276

                               Updated: April 19, 2006
