The Side Tackle
This is the traditional tackle in rugby. It is an old stand-by, and much revered by rugby coaches everywhere.
It is the first tackle taught to rookies, and thus the first tackle mentioned on this particular Web site.
All other tackles are built from this elemental move, so it is important to understand it
and master it. Plus, when completed correctly, it is one of the safest tackles you can make.
How to:
Step 1
Assume the good body position that we have already covered.
Hint: This is always going to be the first step.
Step 2:
Make contact with your opponent, going cheek to cheek. This means that you will
put the cheek of you face to their butt cheek. Your shoulder should be at their
thigh and your arms should be bent and out.
Step 3:
Wrap your arms around your opponent's thighs, quickly and forcefully pulling them towards you.
This will stop them from running, cutting off their momentum. This is very important, as
it is impossible to tackle a runner without completing this step.
Step 4:
It's easy from here: hold on and fall. Your weight will carry down the tacklee.
"This is the blueprint for all other tackles you will do. It is not natural, like most things in rugby.
Is it strange to put your face right up against another person's butt? Yes.
Is it rewarding to put them on their butt? Yes."
-- Briana O'Sullivan, UF Women's Rugby Club Vice President