Skunk Ape Research

Science & Anatomy

    The nature of the skunk ape is akin to many large apes. In fact it is believed to be descended from the ape family Gigantopithecus, theorized as one of the largest apes in existence. It originated in Asia and went extinct around 3,000,000 years ago. It is possible that ancestors of this species may have crossed the land bridge and adapted to their surrounding habitats, which would explain the various incarnations of apemen.
    The skunk ape most closely resembles the adult orangutans in both pictures and recent descriptions. (Comparison with skunk ape in the Myakka Photos to the Right) The skunk ape is a large hominid cryptid. It's natural habitat is in and around swampy areas. however, It has been spotted all throughout the southeastern states. The skunk ape is consistently described as being 7 to 8 feet tall weighing 180 to 250 pounds with black 2 inch long fur all over it's body. It also has a distinct odor described as "skunk, mixed with rotten eggs and dead fish." This trait is what gives the skunk ape its name.The reason for this smell is believed to be caused because the animal may take shelter in abandoned alligator caves where methane gases are abundant. This odor may also serve to establish the animal's territory. The skunk ape is omnivorous but, it's diet mainly consists of fruits. The skunk ape's behavior is solitary. It is a hunter gatherer animal spending time searching for food and shelter. The skunk ape is very capable in the swamp because of it's size it is able to wade through the deeper parts of a swamp and yet it is still agile enough to climb trees. Because of recent hurricanes and urbanization the creatures have been sighted near towns and homes searching for food.