Skunk Ape Research

My Expedition

     Most of the evidence for skunk ape research is in the form of plaster casts of foot prints and eye witness accounts. Many of these occurrences have turned out to be hoaxes. However, there has been more scientific evidence in the form of signs of large creatures moving through and disturbing the surrounding environment. Possible habitats have found with signs of skunk ape nesting. Hair and stool samples have been collected. These were tested for DNA matching sequences which have come back as primate family. I present my evidence now for consideration.
     I myself have spent nearly 50 hours on 12 separate occasions visiting different locations where skunk apes have been sighted. I find a suitable camping area in a habitat in which a skunk ape might be found. Then, I wait and document. Among various camping equipment, I bring a digital camera, a tape recorder, lima beans (rumored to be the animal's favorite food), and my note book.The majority of my experience is fruitless. There are however two occasions Which Have changed my preconceptions and intentions and have given me a reason to continue to search for this beast. The first was at night, while documenting the hours at 8:23pm I heard a peculiar animal noise. It could be described as a guttural howling only very much shorter. I recorded it with my tape recorder so the quality if not very good. You can listen to it here.
    After this occasion I paid much more attention to my surroundings and the slightest movements or sounds. I increased my involvement and time in this area. Two days later I believe I may have seen a skunk ape on the edge of my camping area. I tried to document This occasion with my digital camera however I was vastly under prepared for a nighttime encounter. I had no equipment to aid this photograph. I tried to take several with no flash but in frustration I took one with flash. This scared the animal away but I at least gathered some possible evidence. It is yet another blurry disputable photo among all the others already gathered. But, I will personally vouch for this as evidence because I have experienced it and it changed my way of seeing.
     Despite these occasions and my compiling of evidence I am still without funds. I have found that most organizations willing to give funds have the aim to completely prove the existence of the skunk ape or other hominids. This is an impossible expectation. As a researcher, I am only concerned with finding and researching information about a new species.