

Here are some other resources you can use to learn more about magic squares.

4-by-4 Interactive Magic Square Form (PDF, 30kb)

3-by-3 Interactive Magic Square Form (PDF, 30kb)

Antoine de la Loubere's Method Interactive Sheet (xls, 10kb)

Magic Square Genie (xls, 40kb) - A program in Excel that enables you to create a magic square for any magic sum.

Madachy, J. S. "Magic and Antimagic Squares." Ch. 4 in Madachy's Mathematical Recreations. New York: Dover, pp. 103-113, 1979.

Mathworld - A comprehensive look at magic squares from a mathematical perspective.

Magic Squares - A great site for information about magic squares. Contains lots of mathematical curiosities dealing with magic squares.

Suzanne Alejandre's Magic Squares - Site dedicated to the history of magic squares. This site also contains lessons on magic squares teachers can use in their classrooms.

Illuminations: Magic Squares - NCTM's lesson on magic squares; contains lesson activity sheet.

Grogono's Magic Squares - A site dedicated to magic squares.

Magic Squares, Magic Stars, and Other Patterns - Check this site to learn about magic stars and how they relate to magic squares.

Allmath.com - Games involving magic squares.

The Anti-Magic Square Project - Interesting site about "anti-magic squares". Don't know what they are? Then you need to check this out!

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