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Instructional Material Report

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Instructional Material Report




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RVideo    'Pamphlet   'Data sheet   'Article   'Audio tape

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How to Deal with Stress




Qoxhi Sports

Year of Publication


Target Audience

High School/College-Aged Students

Suggested Setting


Length/Size (minute/page)

27 seconds

Information on the Web (if applicable)


Downloadable at


Order Information


Cost (USD)

Free Online

Information updated

April 5, 2007


Terri Hansen




At many points in life, everyone will get stressed out. Stress affects people of all ages and races and is caused by many varying circumstances. The common stressors that are thought of include work, school, finances and family. This clip brings to life a different type of stressor that most people might not usually think about. In this very short clip, an older man briefly alludes to the fact that watching football games that he has placed a bet on is a stressful situation for him. He then further explains that to deal with this stress he chooses to no longer watch the game and rather spend that time with his friend/partner Dennis. He says that by not watching the games he can just go about the rest of his day without worrying about the games. He checks the score only at the end of the game to avoid the stress of watching the game play by play.

Critical Comments



Potential audience.  The resource will be used by teachers who want to portray to their students that anyone can get stressed for any type of reason. The audience will be somewhat narrow because only older students will be able to understand the content.

Unique. It is a unique resource because it shows a stressor that is not commonly considered therefore it allows for an interesting example and a new perspective.

Interests. Its interest is limiting because not everyone bets on sporting events. This will only relate to a very small proportion of the audience. If anything, some students might relate to the stress of wanting their team to win for reasons other than money. The sports side of it will be interesting to the male students in particular.

Purpose. The purpose is to show that everyone gets stressed for different reasons. This will be an educational experience. It is not for entertainment because it does not allow enough time to be entertaining. This is ok though because the fact that it is a video is amusing enough.

Depth.   It is a very short clip and does not go into depth. It can be used for only a brief example. For full understanding it may have to be shown again and discussion will be necessary after the clip.



Last Updated: April 9th, 2007

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