The point of freelancing

This summer I met a new journalism grad just leaving to see the world, first Europe and already thinking Asia. He worked cheerfully and well and made cordial contacts. He prepped for travel, he lined up future freelance work he could do from the road, and off he went!

Like this young traveler anticipates doing, I've made my way far on freelance gigs. Others can too, just about anywhere and however much suits them.

Over Alaska at sunset

Sometimes full time, sometimes moonlighting, from home and on the road, I've freelanced in print and broadcast media in Florida and Brazil and, thanks to email, translated and edited for clients wherever.

As media expand, morph, and niche with technological and societal changes, so do prospects for freelancing if we stay light on our feet.

I'm not advocating flying into a wild blue yonder next week, just setting wheels in motion to see where they roll in a near or far future.

The snapshots I've posted here (cursor over them for locations) come from an eight-year magic-carpet ride when I got to travel often. Whether we're roaming or staying close to home, though, freelancing is fun! Among its advantages I especially enjoy the flexibility -- and staying out of office politics.

The next pages zip through ways to think about freelancing and take those first steps.