
A Few Things to Keep in Mind When You're in the Kitchen

Oil and Garlic

These two ingredients, which are essential to Pescado con Mojo Isleno, can be very volatile. Oil will pop and jump when it gets too hot and garlic will burn and become bitter if you aren't careful. In order to avoid the smell and hassel of burnt garlic, be sure that you oil isn't too hot when you add your garlic to the pan. Watch the garlic carfeully, breaking it up in the pan with a spatula or wooden spoon to infuse the oil with garlic flavor. When the garlic begins to turn a light brown color (it will begin as a pale yellow) it's time to remove the garlic from the pan. Then, you are left with garlic-infused oil, which will add more depth of flavor to your dish.


Although it seems straightforward enough, rice can be a tricky thing to prepare. You have to know the ratio of rice to water that will yield rice with the perfect stickiness. You have to cook it for precisely the right amount of time. And most of all, you have to leave it alone--no messing with the rice once the lid is on and the rice is cooking.


caldero A caldero is the traditional pot used for cooking in Puerto Rico. Calderos, sometimes called "Dutch ovens" in other places, are used for cooking meats, stews and particularly rice. Once you cure the inside of your caldero after using it several times, your rice is sure to turn out perfect every time. While a caldero isn't necessary for a successful meal, it's another way to make an average meal traditionally Puerto Rican and exciting.