What would you do?
Case Studies in the Teaching of Art

Case Study #4: The Seizure

This case study was offered by Teresa Sheffey, a high school art teacher.

The first year that Mrs Sheffey taught art she encountered a situation which was very scary. This involved a health problem which resulted from one of her art projects. The situation arose when Mrs Sheffey's class was doing a maskmaking project. The students paired up, one putting a plaster gauze mask on the face of the other, and vice versa. Any student who was uncomfortable with the plaster on their face was given the option of having a second mask made of his/her partner's face which they would then decorate.

As a student was putting on the second layer of gauze, his partner went into a seizure. Mrs Sheffey had not been informed by anyone that this student had epilepsy.

If you were Mrs Sheffey, what would you do in this situation?

Find out how Mrs Sheffey handled the situation.