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About Me

I am a Biologist and my focus is in Ornithology. I got my B.S. in Biology in the Universidad Agraria La Molina in Peru, a M.Sc. in Zoology in the Universidad Nacional Mayor of San Marcos in Lima and another M.Sc. in the Universidad San Pablo CEU of Spain. I got my PhD in Interdisciplinary Ecology at the University of Florida.


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Image: Oscar Gonzalez

My scope has been in the coast, high Andes and rainforest of Peru and also outside the country. I have worked in several projects directed and managed by myself, several of them with support of funding institutions that deal with research and conservation of birds.

Currently I am studying the role of birds in the pollination network in the high Andes; how nectarivore birds (hummingbirds and flowerpiercers) are keystone species for the ecological integrity of the elfin forest in the western Amazon.

I am member of several Associations of Nature, Bird Research and Conservation; I also have more than 40 papers published in Peruvian and international journals of scientific interest. I was the main author of a new guide to the birds of Lima, Peru.


Registrando cantos de aves - Recording bird songs Cerro Unchog, Huanuco Flor de Fucsia - Fuchsia flower Bosque achaparrado - Elfin forest Colibri picoespada - Swordbilled hummingbird Tangara de Lomo dorado - Golden-backed Mountain Tanager