Invited Lectures
- 2015 World Wildlife Fund. Washington DC. USA
- 2014 Festival Internacional del Colibri. Guanajuato, Mexico
- 2013 Universidad de Huanuco, Huanuco, Peru
- 2012 First National Meeting of Researchers in the Amazon, Iquitos, Peru
- 2012 Universidad de Huanuco, Huanuco, Peru
- 2012 Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, Tingo Maria, Peru
- 2012 Brigada de Fauna Silvestre, Lima, Peru
- 2012 Gobierno Regional de Huanuco. Huanuco, Peru
- 2011 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico and Hummingbird Monitoring Network. Chamela, Mexico
- 2011 Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva. Tingo Maria, Peru
- 2010 University of Florida, Faculty of Religion. Gainesville, USA.
- 2009 Universidad Particular Ricardo Palma, Biology Faculty. Lima, Peru
- 2009 Colegio de Ingenieros del Peru, Forestry Science Chapter. Lima, Peru
- 2008 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Lima, Peru
- 2007 University of Cardiff, Faculty of Biosciences. Cardiff, UK
- 2007 University of Bath, Faculty of Biology and Biochemistry, Bath, UK
- 2007 Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Faculty of Biology. Bogotá, Colombia
- 2007 Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria, Program of Poultryhealth. Lima, Perú
- 2005 Universidad Nacional de San Marcos,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Lima, Perú
- 2005 Universidad Nacional de Educación,Faculty of Sciences. Chosica, Perú
- 2005 Colegio de Abogados de Lima, Environmental Law Branch. Lima, Perú
- 2003 Universidad de Extremadura,Faculty of Biological Sciences Badajoz, Spain.
- 2003 Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Faculty of Geography. Lima, Perú
- 2002 Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica, Faculty of Biological Sciences. Lima, Peru
Selected Presentations in Scientific Meetings
- 2015 Joined meeting of the American Ornithologist Union and the Cooper Ornithological Society. Oklahoma. USA.
- 2014 Weekly Seminar, Tropical Conservation and Development program University of Florida.
- 2012 I National Meeting of Amazon Researchers. Iquitos, Peru
- 2012 International Congress of Environmental Engineering, Huanuco, Peru
- 2011 XI Neotropical Ornithological Congress. Cuzco, Peru
- 2011 Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation. Naperville, USA
- 2010 Meeting of the American Ornithologist Union, San Diego, USA
- 2008 VII Congreso Nacional de Ornitología. Piura, Peru
- 2007 A Rocha Canada Annual Forum. B.C. Canada
- 2005 VI Congreso Nacional de Ornitología. Chiclayo, Perú
- 2003 VII Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical. Puyehue, Chile
- 2003 V Jornada Nacional de Ornitología. Arequipa, Perú
- 2003 I Congreso Mundial de Científicos Peruanos. Lima, Perú
- 2001 IV Jornada Nacional de Ornitología. Puno, Perú
- 1999 III Jornada Nacional de Ornitología Calca, Perú
Recent oral presentations and posters in scientific meetings
- (2015) Bird-flowering plant networks in Andean Montane forests. Seminar on Interdisciplinary Ecology. School of Natural Resources and Environment University of Florida.
- (2015) Structure of the bird-flowering plant network in the elfin forest of the Andes. Annual meeting of the joined meeting of the American Ornithologist Union and the Cooper Ornithological Society. University of Oklahoma, USA.
- (2015) Reception of the Creation Care principle by Pentecostal communities in the Andes. Annual meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation. Oral Roberts University, USA.
- (2015) Preaching Conservation to the Andean Pentecostals. Tropilunch seminar, TCD program University of Florida.
- (2014) Pollination networks in the upper montane forest in the Andes. Tropilunch seminar, TCD program University of Florida.
- (2013) Birds as environmental engineers. Forum on the anniversary of the School of Environmental Engineering of the Universidad de Huanuco. Huanuco, Peru.
- (2012) Birds as indicators of climate change in the Tropical Andes. First National Meeting of Amazon Researchers. Iquitos, Peru.
- (2012) Importance of Conservation and Sustainable use of the Cloud Montane Forest of Carpish. Forum: Conservation of the Cloud Montane Forest of Carpish. Huanuco, Peru.
- (2011) How to engage evangelicals in conservation: the implementation of creation care in Peru. Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation. North Central College, Naperville, Illinois.
- (2011) Distribution and conservation of endemic birds in central Peru. Tropilunch seminar, TCD program University of Florida
- (2011) Bird communities in Sierra del Divisor, Peruvian Amazon. XI Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Cuzco, Peru
- (2011) Notes on the reproduction and conservation of the snowy plover in Paracas, Peru. XI Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Cuzco, Peru
- (2011) Diversity and distribution of hummingbirds in Peru. Workshop in hummingbird monitoring. Hummingbird Monitoring Network & Grupo Aves del Peru
- (2011) Environmental Impact Assessment in the Peruvian Amazon, an opportunity for doing research and conservation or a license to destroy? Tropilunch seminar, TCD program University of Florida
- (2011) Nectarivores as indicators of climate change in the Peruvian Andes. Chamela Biosphere Reserve. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico and Hummingbird Monitoring Network. Chamela, Mexico
- (2010) El Sira birds: indicators of biodiversity and climate change. Workshop on the impact of climate change in the Peruvian Amazon, GTZ-Peru, Lima, Peru
- (2010) Identifying priority bird species for conservation in the tropical Andes: A case study in Yanachaga national park, Peru, COS/AOU/SCO 2010 Joint Meeting, Cooper Ornithological Society, Amerrican Ornithologist Union and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, San Diego, California. USA.
- (2010) Bridging religion and conservation: Christian communities involved in environmental stewardship in Peru, Bridging Conservation and Development in Latin America and Africa Conference, University of Florida Leadership and Education Foundation, Gainesvile, Florida. USA.