Not just for listening to music, Web audio can inform your users of new additions to your Web page. Every page on your Web site needs to be easy to use and understand. But sometimes, there are complex tasks for the user. A properly implemented sound file can make a world of difference for the frustration level of your user.

More about audio plug-ins...

Verbal communication is one of the best methods for giving complex or detailed instructions. For instance, you can stop this message or play it again by using the embedded player you see on this page. You can also pick up at any point by moving the slider to the desired portion of this recording. This recording is about the size of a large graphic and can be streamed to the user even before it is fully downloaded.

Floorplan | Virtual Apartment | Photo Presentation | Database Bands and Venues | Forms | Audio | Gator GIF | Flash Banners | Flash Funky Hip Hop Beats | Flash Slide Show

  Copyright © 2003 Nicholas Ward