
After nearly four and a half years of dating, Michael decided the time was right to propose and take the next step in their relationship. Now all he had to do was find the perfect ring, time, place, and way to propose while keeping it all a secret from Maureen.

Jekyll Island Club Hotel

It took about a month of looking and shopping around to find the perfect ring for the big day. Finding a weekend to get away proved difficult with Maureen’s schedule. She was trying to finish up classes to graduate, going on job interviews, and preparing for her last dance show. But he was able to free up the weekend of April 14th to get away. For the location Michael decided to go to the Jekyll Island Club hotel, on Jekyll Island GA. They had visited the island a couple years ago, and with its history and secluded beaches it was the perfect location. Maureen also seemed to be buying the idea that this was just a relaxing weekend trip to get away before her graduation.

The Ring

With everything going as planned Michael went to her parent’s house and formally asked her dad for his approval. He agreed and Michael was glad her parents were excited about it as he was. For the ring box Michael bought a silver rose, where the flower itself detached and became a ring box. This is similar to how he gave her a ring during their junior year of high school. But a much nicer rose and ring this time around.

Maureen and Freckles Horses on Driftwood beach

Michael and Maureen got up to Jekyll Island late Friday night and went for a walk on the beach. The next morning Michael had booked a horseback-riding trip on the beach. This was Maureen’s first time riding a horse, and after a little effort he finally convinced Maureen not to wear a helmet (probably wouldn’t make the best pictures). “Freckles” her horse did most of the work so she was able to relax and enjoy the peaceful ride along the beach. After the horseback ride they went for another walk along the beach and then back to the hotel room to relax. Maureen proceeded to do what she does best and took a 3-hour nap. Little did she know this is exactly what Michael needed to settle his nerves before he popped the big question.

Maureen after getting engaged Maureen on the Beach

Michael suggested they try and catch the sunset at the beach that evening before they go out for dinner. While walking a long the beach with the ring in his pocket, Michael was as nervous as ever. He wanted to make the moment perfect, so he was looking for the perfect spot while trying to play it off as a casual walk along the beach. When the sunset started coming out from behind some clouds out in the distance, Michael figured this was as good as it was going to get. He dropped down on one knee, pulled out the ring and asked Maureen to marry him. Maureen’s jaw dropped immediately in shock. After 30 seconds crying and repeating “oh my god” Maureen mustered out a “yes”. After putting on the ring, Maureen continued to repeat “holy crap” for another couple of minutes. And as if on cue, a 100ft multimillion-dollar yacht drove by, to which Maureen responds, “You bought me a boat too”. Michael got a good laugh out of that.

Michael and Maureen The Boat