History of NEXTEL Modifications

        Nextel Communications is the cellular phone company that originated in the early 1990's that featured a new way to communicate between two cell phones: by utilizing Walkie-Talkie functions within cell phones to instantly connect to another Nextel user. Direct Connect at it is known as has paved the way for many businesses and corporations that need to connect to their employees without the need of making a call. Within the last couple years a new wave of personalization has come to these phones. Many people customized Nokias, with a new case or ringtones that displayed a persons interest. The customization came to some Nextel users that wanted to personalize their phones. Keep in mind that Nextel phones are probably the most expensive phones out on the market today without all the bells and whistles like other phone companies have so opening up a $200-$450 phone usually isn't in the best itnerest of some people. So with the creation of housings, cases that aren't snapped on but rather put together, began with the Condor (Motorola talk for 2-digit series phones i.e. i60,i90, i95) phones. Putting housings on is no easy task becasue you have to disassemble your phone and put it back together within the new housing. Thankfully with proper tutorials from professionals anyone can take apart these phones. Now this is not to say that people do not mess up their phones, many phones have probably been broken due to someone taking it apart. Due to the popularity of Nextel's Direct Connect, many people are subscribing now-a-days and since more people are subcribing more people are customizing their phones. There is a select group of people around the net that have vast knowledge about modifying these phones, I happen to be one person that can do just about anything to modify a phone (except for LED changes). Most people might think that this is a silly topic but in reality personalization of anything that someone uses everyday can generate a few extra bucks on the side because people want stuff right away and not many people know about the programs involved and the time and definately money that goes into a custom cell phone job. People want things to express who they are, why not your cell phone?

Types of Modifications
Pictures of Modified Phones

Nextel, Motorola, and Boost Logo's are property of their repectful owners. I am in no way affiliated with Nextel Communications Motorola, or Boost Mobile in any way and my opinions are my opinions and not that of the corporations. Also modifications done to these phones clearly void any warranty and should be done by a professional, or me. I take no reponsibility for damage done to your phone if you choose to modify it yourself.