My Favorite Links
Probably the best site for Personal Watercraft news, information, pictures, and
inside info. Stumbled across this site when I got my Jet Ski. If you are an
enthusiast for Jet Ski's this is one great community.
My personal Nextel Modding site that is owned by 2 other people, along with myself,
that I met up with from other forums. If you are ever looking for a place to ask
questions on modifying Nextel phones, then this is one of the best places to
One of favorite lounging sites. It has the craziest, funniest, and weirdest content
since a site back in the day went down. I always get a good laugh out of the videos
they post. Also, the orign of the infamous Celebrity Soundboards (great for prank
Also another infamous site in regards to pictures sent in from college students. You
get to see some pretty crazy stuff and why being in college is probably the best time
in one person's life. Their original content is pretty funny but nothing beats the
Shiver7.com is a site I ran across when talking to a friend of mine who actually made
the site. It has nice tutorials for many graphic design programs that are easy to
follow. The exhibition section has some really nice wallpapers or background images.
Mad props to a really good artist.