LL.M. Introduction to the Law and Legal System of the United States for Non-U.S. Lawyers (Old Program)
Thanks for the Memories!
I had the great privilege to direct the LL.M. in Comparative Law program at the Levin College of Law for five years. I am very proud to have continued our now almost-thirty-year-old program that has graduated over 200 students from more than 43 countries.
These pages are now solely dedicated to the Introduction to the Law and Legal System of the United States courses for LL.M. students that I taught until the Spring of 2020. These courses have now been changed, so I leave this information here only as a reference to how I taught them for a decade or so.
—Professor Pedro A. Malavet
Summer 2021
The Law of the United States for Foreign Lawyers
(legal professionals educated in countries other than the United States)
Lectures on U.S. Law: MOOC Videos
These are brief lectures from the MOOC The Global Students' Introduction to the Law of the United States