General Policies

Due to the fact that a substantial portion of your grade will be based on class activities and discussion, attendance is strongly encouraged.  Students will receive one extra credit point for every day they sign-in the attendance sheet for a total of up to twelve points.  Extra credit points for attendance will be announced at the end of the class.

Academic Integrity
Students are expected to adhere to the responsibilities outlined in the University's Student Honor Code.  You should remain familiarized with the guidelines regarding cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation, conspiracy, and fabrication.  On all work submitted for credit by students of the University of Florida, the following is implied: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment."  Violations of the code will be handled as outlined by the university's policies.

Classroom Conduct
Please turn off any cell phones or pagers so as not to disrupt the class. Other non-class related activities which may disrupt the class or the instructor will also not be tolerated. This would include discussions by groups while class is in progress. During exams, the use of "palm pilots" or other electronic devices will not be allowed. Please make sure that when leaving the class that all trash is properly disposed of and that all desks and chairs are placed back into their rows.

Late Assignments and Make-up Policies
Exams and assignments may be made up in an event of and EXCUSED absence.  An excused absence is one in which the student notified and obtained permission from the instructor in advance.  Excused absences are left up to the instructor’s discretion.  In the event that the student misses any graded work or class activity, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain permission from the instructor to make-up the graded assignment and to contact the instructor to arrange for the work to be made up within one week of the due date.  There will be no make-up assignments for small group activities.  Students will only be allowed a total of 2 make-ups.  Assignments are considered late if they are turned in after the class period ends for the date on which the assignment is due.  Late assignments will be deducted 2 points for each day it is late.

Special Accommodations:                                                           It is my commitment to provide accommodations for students with disabilities.  If you have a need for accommodations due to a disability, please contact me in advance.