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Aerosols in the Health Care Field


:: Section 3

  Section Contents

Accessory Devices

The administration of aerosol drugs by the MDI is highly technique dependent. The common problems described in "Cautions" reduce aerosol delivery to the lung but can be improved by use of a proper MDI accessory device. There are several MDI accessory devices already developed to overcome the two primary problems: hand-breath coordination and high oropharyngeal deposition. Using these accessory devices has the advantages of:

  • Minimizing non-respirable partilces leaving the device, thus lowering oropharyngeal deposition
  • Eleminating Cold Freon effect, therefore improving hand-breath coordination

In following subsections, we will go over the various accessories, including:

  • Holding chambers: Aerochamber, MediSpacer, ACE (Aerosol Cloud Chamber)
  • Bag: InspirEase
  • Spacer: OptiHaler