Research and Projects
- Hydro-climatologic modeling to optimize water quality and conservation investments in north-west Florida.
- Evaluation of sensitivity analysis methods for parameter screening and development of a new parameter sampling strategy.
- Watershed Assessment Model (WAM) is a watershed scale model with number of applications useful for water resource managers. WAM was developed by SWET, Inc. especially for Floridian conditions, but with now can be applied to diverse hydrologic conditions. Due to its user friendly ArcGIS interface its gaining popularity. There is a need to determine the sensitivity of the model to its parameters and uncertainty associated with the outputs.
- Evaluation of impacts of land use changes on water quality of the Hillsborough and Alafia River watersheds (Tampa Bay Region), through trend analysis of water quality parameter concentrations and spatial analysis of land cover changes for a period of 34 year from 1974 to 2007.
- Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of a daily soil water balance model ARID used for calculating drought index.
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers:
- Khare, Y.P., Muñoz-Carpena, R., Rooney, R. W., Martinez, C.J., 2014. “A new multi-criteria trajectory-based sampling strategy for the screening method of elementary effects”. Environmental Modelling and Software doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.11.013
- Guzman, J., Shirmohammadi, A., Sadeghi, A., Eang, X., Chu, M., Jha, M., Parajuli, P., Harmel, D., Khare, Y.P., Hernandez, J. “Uncertainty and uncertainty analysis in the context of hydrologic and water quality models”. Trans. ASABE (accepted)
- Yuan, Y., Khare, Y.P., Wang, S., Parajuli, P., Kisekka, I., Finsterle, S. “Hydrologic and water quality models: Sensitivity Aanlysis”. Trans. ASABE (accepted)
- Mehta, A.J., Manning, A.J., Khare, Y.P., 2014. “A Note on the Krone deposition equation and significance of floc aggregation”. Marine Geology
- Kisekka, I., Migliaccio, K.T., Muñoz-Carpena, R., Schaffer, B. Khare, Y.P., 2014. “Modeling soil water dynamics considering measurement uncertainty”. Hydrological Processes doi: 10.1002/hyp.10173
- Mehta, A.J., Samsami, F., Khare, Y.P., and Sahin, C., 2014. “Fluid Mud Properties in Nautical Depth Estimation” Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering 140(2): 210-222.
- Khare, Y.P., Martinez, C.J., and Muñoz-Carpena, R., 2013. “Parameter variability and drought models: A case study using the Agricultural Reference Index for Drought (ARID)”, Agronomy Journal 105(5): 1417-1432. doi: 10.2134/agronj2013.0167
- Kisekka, I., Migliaccio, K.T., Muñoz-Carpena, R., Khare, Y.P., and Boyer, T., 2013. “Sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation for an approximate analytical model of canal-aquifer interaction applied in the C-111 Basin”, Transactions of ASABE 56(3): 977-992. doi: 10.13031/trans.56.10037
- Khare, Y.P., Martinez, C.J., and Toor, G.S., 2012. “Water Quality Trends and Land Use Changes in the Alafia and Hillsborough River Watersheds, Florida, USA”, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 48(6): 1279-1293. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2012.00686.x
In Progress/Submitted:
- Khare, Y.P., Martinez, C.J., Mun~oz-Carpena, R., Bottcher, D., and James, A. Global Sensitivity Analysis of a High-Dimensional Hydrologic and Water Quality Model – A Case Study with the Watershed Assessment Model (WAM).
- Khare, Y.P., Mun~oz-Carpena, R., and Martinez, C.J. Enhanced ‘Sampling for Uniformity’ for the screening method of Elementary Effects.
- Mehta, A.J., Hwang, J-N, and Khare, Y.P. Critical shear stress for mass erosion of organic-rich fine sediment.
Conference Proceedings:
- Mehta, A.J., Khare, Y.P., and Park, K., 2015. Effect of sediment load reduction in tidal entrance channels, 10th International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, Valencia, Spain, June 2015.
- So, S., Khare, Y.P., Park, K.J. and Mehta, A.J., 2013. “Critical wind and turbidity rise in a shallow Florida lake” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Physical Coastal Processes, April 2013, Management and Engineering, Gran Canaria, Spain. So et al. 2013
- Samsami, F., Khare, Y.P. , Mehta, A.J., 2012. “Rheometric characterization of the fluid mud potential of a bay mud” Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Lowland Technology, Sept. 2012, Bali Indonesia. Samsami et al. 2012
- Khare, Y.P., Martinez, C.J., 2012. “Global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis methods in water resources engineering”, SPICON 2012, Mumbai, India, May 2012.
- Khare, Y.P., Mehta, A.J., 2010. “Sea Level Change and Seashore Settlement”,Proceedings of Gujarat and the Sea Conference, October 2010 (published)
Book Chapters:
- Mehta, A.J., Dean, R.G., Montague, C.L., Hyter, E.J., Khare, Y.P., 2013. Understanding sea level rise and coastal hazards: Engineering Response to Climate Change , Second Edition (Ed. Watts, R.G.), Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
- Peer review and exercise solutions for “ An Introduction to Hydraulics of Fine Sediment Transport” by Dr. A.J. Mehta (publihed October 2013)
- Review of tutorial, users manual and developers manual for WAM.
- “Suisun Bay Wave Study Part I: Sediment Rheometric Tests”, Submitted to Dynamic Solutions LLC, Knoxville, TN; Samsami, F., Mehta, A.J., Khare, Y.P.
Conferences Presentations:
Platform Presentations:
- Khare, Y.P., Martinez, C.J., Muñoz-Carpena, R., American Water Resources Association, National Conference, November 2014, Tyson Corner, VA, “Effect of sampling strategy on parameter screening for watershed models : the method of Elementary Effects”
- Khare, Y.P., Martinez, C.J.*, Muñoz-Carpena, R., and Rooney, R., American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers International Meet, July 2014, Montreal, Canada. Presentation: “An efficient parameter screening strategy for high dimensional watershed models”
- Khare, Y.P., Martinez, C.J., and Muñoz-Carpena, R., Environmental and Water Resources Institute ASCE, 30th Annual Water Resources Seminar, May 2014, Orlando, FL. Presentation: “Sensitivity analysis and high dimensional watershed models”
- Mehta, A.J.*, Manning, A.J., and Khare, Y.P., 12th Internaional Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes, INTERCOH13, October 2013, Gainesville, FL. “Krone deposition equation and significance of floc aggregation”
- Khare, Y.P. and Martinez, C.J., American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Annual National Conference, November 12-15 2012, Jacksonville, Florida. Presentation: “Global sensitivity analysis of a drought index model - ARID”
- Khare, Y.P. and Martinez, C.J., American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Annual International Meet, July31-Aug3 2012, August, Dallas, Texas. Presentation: “Evaluation of a drought index model - ARID”
- Samsami,F.,Soltanpour, M., Mehta, A.J., and Khare, Y.P., 11th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes, INTERCOH'11, Oct 2011,Shanghai, China. Presentation: “Significance of Yield Stress and Flow Stress in Rheological Behavior of Selected Muds”
- Khare, Y.P. and Martinez, C.J., American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Florida Section Annual Meet 2011, June 16-17, Naples, FL, Presentation: “Global sensitivity analysis of the model-Agricultural Reference Index for Drought (ARID)”
- Khare, Y.P. and Martinez, C.J., American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Annual International Meet 2010, June 2010, Pittsburgh, PA. Presentation: “Land use changes and water quality trends in the Alafia River watershed”
- Khare, Y.P. and Martinez, C.J., American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Florida Section Annual Meet 2010, June 2010, Jupiter, FL. Presentation: “Water quality parameter concentration trends in the Alafia River watershed”
Poster Presentations:
- Khare, Y.P., Martinez, C.J., and Muñoz-Carpena, R., An effective parameter sampling strategy for high dimensional watershed models, 2014 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Khare, Y.P., Muñoz-Carpena, and Martinez, C.J., 3rd Annual Student Water Conference, Oklahoma State University, April 2014, Stillwater, OK. “Quantifying the efficiency of the global sensitivity analysis technique: the method of elementary effects for high dimensional hydrologic modeling applications” Poster
- Khare, Y.P., Martinez, C.J., and Muñoz-Carpena, 4th University of Florida Water Institute Symposium, February 2014, Gainesville, FL. “A multi-criteria trajectory-based parameter sampling strategy for the screening method of elementary effects” Poster
- Khare, Y.P., Martinez, C.J., Muñoz-Carpena, R. and Rooney, R., University of Florida Graduate Research Day, October 2013, Gainesville, FL. “An effective sampling strategy for the parameter screening for high dimensional models”
- Khare, Y.P., Martinez, C.J., Muñoz-Carpena, R. and Rooney, R., University of Florida Agricultural and Biological Engineering Research Symposium, October 2013, Gainesville, FL. “A new parameter sampling strategy for the identification of important parameters for high dimensional models”
- Khare, Y.P. and Martinez, C.J., 3rd University of Florida Water Institute Symposium, February 2012, Gainesville, FL, “Sensitivity Analysis of ARID”
- Khare, Y.P. and Martinez, C.J., 2nd University of Florida Water Institute Symposium, February 2010, Gainesville, FL, “Water quality trends in the Alafia River watershed”
Class Projects:
- “Flood routing and surface profiling for a section of Choke River, Colorado, using HEC RAS.” Open Channel Hydraulics, Fall 2010, Dr. Theike
- “Relationship between fire frequency and primary productivity of different wetland types.” Wetland Ecology, Fall 2010, Dr. McLaughlin
- “Global Sensitivity Analysis of Thronthwait monthly water balance model” Agri. And Bio. Systems Simulations, Spring 2010, Dr. Jones
- “Simulation of hydrographs for a watershed in Texas for 10 year and 100 year storm event using HEC HMS.” Surface Hydrology, Spring 2010, Dr. Wise
- “Geospatial analysis to determine the most suitable location for an industry in South central Florida, Arc GIS 9.3.” GIS in Land use and Management, Fall 2009, Dr. Grunwald
- “Determination of wave damping coefficient for clayey beds and comparison with other wave damping models ” Special Lab Problems, Spring 2009, Dr. Mehta
- “Study of residual flow pattern for the Tampa Bay Estuary, Field measurements and calculations”, Estuarine and Shelf Hydrodynamics, Spring 2009, Dr. Valle-Levinson
- “Effects of alternate wetting and drying on the slope stability of lateritic cuts in Konkan Region, India”, Jan-May 2006, Dr. Mhaiskar and Dr. Hegde
- “Design and drawing of 3 story RCC building”, Design of Concrete Structures, Feb-May 2006, Dr. Murudi
- “Feasibility analysis of slum rehabilitation schemes in Mumbai, India”, Aug-Sept 2004, Mrs. Solanki