Professional Associations:
- American Society of Agriculture and Biological Engineering (ASABE): 2009-present
- American Water Resource Association (AWRA): 2009-present
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): 2009-present
- American Geophysical Union (AGU): 2011-present
- Ameircan Water Works Association (AWWA): 2011-present
Journal Reviewer:
- Jounral of Environment International
Other Activities:
- Website Manager - INTERCOH2013, A biannual International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes
- Departmental Representative (Agri and Bio Engg) in the Graduate Student Council of University of Florida, Fall 2010 to present
- AWRA UF Student Chapter - General Secretary: Fall'12-Spring'13, Treasurer: Fall'11-Spring'12 and Fall'13-present
- Chairman of Civil Engineering Association for the year 2005-2006.
- General Secretary of Civil Engineering Association for the year 2004-2005 which has organized ‘NIRMITI 2005’ a National Level Technical Symposium for civil engineering students. It was a good learning curve teaching skills like team work, coordination and leadership.
- Represented School in Volleyball tournaments at interschool level and intercollegiate level. Member and Captain of S.P.C.E. volleyball team won the six intercollegiate tournaments in the year 2005 and 2006.
- Actively involved in various cultural and other activities of Indian Graduate Students Association (IGSA) of University of Florida
- Actively involved in various cultural activities in SPACE 2003 & SPACE 2004 as volunteer, volunteer manager, event organizer. (Cultural festival of S.P.C.E.)
- Part of core organizing committee of ‘NIRMAN 2004’ an intercollegiate technical festival.
- Represented School in Cricket tournaments at interschool level and Junior college level.