
August 21, 2003 - New fic!  Up in The 'Files is a splendidly not-angst angsty piece entitled "Flesh and Steel".  Perhaps my recent infatuation with angsty fics can be traced to my rediscovery of current rock (as opposed to classic rock, which is still a great love of mine.  But you know, the Steve Miller Band, for example, isn't putting out much new material these days, and one can only hear "Jet Airliner" so many times before it loses its charm).

I have a very nifty drawing of a minor character from She-Ra, and a new musing-type ramble that I shall endeavor to get up sometime before we all die, but I make no promises.

That's pretty much it.  My online time - and my writing time, and my drawing time - will be reduced to nil for the next few weeks as I scramble to  return to the hallowed higher-education halls of the mighty University of Florida.  Me and 49,000 other students.  I fear the parking situation already...

July 15, 2003 - Not a real update.  Just a note to anyone who didn't watch the Hot Wheels cartoon on the 12th (on Cartoon Network, of course): you missed a fabulous and obscure Max Steel reference.  A house seen briefly at the beginning of the episode was - recolored and rendered differently - the beach house from Max's third season, which Mainframe Entertainment also animated.  The helmets worn by the skateboarders also look suspiciously similar to helmets from Max.  Ah, I laughed until I cried.  This is a sign of my pathetic life, people.  But it was unexpected and amusing.

Oh, and I should have an actual update in a few days.  Just FYI.

June 28, 2003 - No, I'm not dead.  I've been stuck in scientific nomenclature purgatory, memorizing plant names for a Botany class.  Why I had to take a Botany class for an Education major remains a mystery, but ah well.  I saw The Hulk on opening day and I liked it, thank you very much; I now eagerly await the release of Spider-Man 2 and The Punisher.  The muse is back and I have several fics in progress, hurrah!  Some updates, including:

A picture of X-Men: Evolution's Jean with a phoenix (hee hee); and a new Separated At Birth...?  

If the spirit moves me I shall type up the names of all the ~200 plants I learned to identify by sight.  Yes, that's correct.  By SIGHT.  My "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" essay will be indescribably interesting this year, I'm sure.

May 19, 2003 - Okay, I suck.  Anyway!  I've survived yet another semester of university work with my sanity (largely) intact.  I've seen X2 several times, and though I'm not going to totally spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, if there aren't any manifestations of giant firebirds in X3, I'll have to demand my money back.  I'm also minus four highly unnecessary teeth and plus one amusing summary sentence: They call them "wisdom teeth" because smart people leave them in.

Updates include three new stories in The 'Files !  Yay!  Also some new pictures in the Gallery .  Life is good.

February 25, 2003 - Well, would you just look at this.  Two updates in the same month!  And it's the really short month, too.  My.  I just might keel over in shock.  Anyway, I've got a new Separated at Birth...? , and a new fic , and several overdue homework assignments that I ought to have been working on when I was working on this stuff.  But y'all aren't interested in my unfinished eight-page Direct Instruction lesson plan.  Are you?  Didn't think so.

February 18, 2003 - Happy New Year!  A few months late, but whatever.  Happy Valentine's Day!  A few days late, but... yeah.  School is being evil (who knew it was this hard to become a teacher?), but I'm still doing stuff.  I hope everybody enjoyed the cancellation of Dinotopia: The Series and the rebirth of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - I know I did - and is now all geared up for the Daredevil movie.  Once the celebration of that has died down, it'll be time to get excited for... X-Men 2!  And then... Hulk!  It's a good time to be a fangirl.

On to updates: Two fics - "Living In The Past" and "And The World Smiles With You" - and a new Info page .  The beginning of my very own Movie Review page is up, too.  I know, I know, I suck at updating.  Photos from my most excellent trip to Islands of Adventure will be up as soon as I finish this blasted roll of film.

December 5, 2002 - Hey, remember that Dinotopia show I was talking about, and how it didn't completely suck?  I changed my mind.  (In other words, go read the new Thought o' the Moment .)

December 3, 2002 - Well, it's December, which means I'm about to get older again, and this year, it's the big 2-1.  Phooey.  I don't wanna grow up!  I wanna be a kid and play with toys and watch cartoons forever!  Anyway, to usher in my legal adulthood, I'll be flouting UF tradition (namely: hitting all the local bars and clubs until you're too drunk to stand) and heading off to Islands of Adventure in sunny Orlando.  I promise to bring back some pictures.  And probably some overpriced souvenirs, too.  

In the meantime, I've got a new fic up in The 'Files .  Which brings me to...

, which brings me to my final point...

Reminder: The new Dinotopia show has begun airing - Thursdays at 8 PM on ABC.  My tentative judgement is "it doesn't completely suck."  After I've seen a few more episodes, then I'll let you know.

November 21, 2002 -  It's just a little thing, but I think you'll agree that it's... wrong.  In so many ways.  And remember: I can't make stuff like this up, boys and girls.  Nor would I, but that's a different issue.

When Pop Culture Goes Wrong

November 11, 2002 - Uh, yeah, um... Geez.  Nominate me for worst webmistress of the year or something.  Anyway, I'm here, I intend to update now, I can update now, and I've got some o' that update goodness all ready to go!  Let's see... here we have a new page, The Teela Manifesto , which I wrote after my fifth or sixth viewing of the new Masters of the Universe cartoon movie, plus oodles of fic in The 'Files , and a big ol' shiny-new layout for the Gallery , which, as you have no doubt seen, did not make the big move with me.  Yeah.  Because GeoCities has more space than UF for pictures.  Now, what I'm going to do in three years when I'm not GOING to UF anymore... well, we'll all cross that bridge when we come to it.

Well, what are you waiting for?  Go explore!

Main Page
The 'Files
The Stage
The Gallery
The Diner

Complaints make me work faster.  Praise makes me work faster on my site, as opposed to working faster on a nasty response to your whiny, sniveling complaints.  Either can be sent here , so please do!