words of art







Gibson C-0 classical Gibson close up

This guitar was actually a present from my grandfather to my mother shortly after my parents married. My mother learned some chords, but it largely sat until my sister decided to play guitar. She learned on this guitar, and eventually got her own. When I thought I might try out guitar, this was the obvious beginning point.

Trivia: The Michigan cold actually caused the bridge to snap off when it was fairly new. My grandfather took it to Green Bay for repair. After not hearing from the shop, he finally went there in person and found the guitar hanging on the wall with a for sale sign. Close call.

I've been learning on this and my Squier Strat. This is the guitar I used for the guitar course I took at the student union with Ray Lohengrin, who is a classically trained guitarist. I've been working particularly on my fingerstyle technique since studying under him.

My contribution to this guitar was to replace the cheap plastic saddle installed by the Green Bay repairman. I installed a Tusq compensated classical saddle, sanding it to fit and lowering the action to a liveable 5/32". I cleaned the frets, fingerboard and body with the Gibson Vintage Restoration Kit. A set of Augustine Blue Label strings finished up the rework, and she sounds better than ever.

 This site and its contents maintained by
 John M. Hemenway - johnmh (at) ufl dot edu
 All original content and materials ©2001-04

University of Florida
Levin College of Law

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